Russia-Ukraine War / April 8, 2024 / A Russian Ship Caught Fire in Kaliningrad!

Hey guys!

Chris here and let’s cover the big news today!

Thanks for your support for Ukraine and my channel.

#2024 #russiaukrainewar #russia #ukraine #eclipse


25 thoughts on “Russia-Ukraine War / April 8, 2024 / A Russian Ship Caught Fire in Kaliningrad!”

  1. Sometimes mobile phones spontaneously combust…it's those batteries…LOL As to Russia's dam, hmmm, karma. Great that Russian railway infrastructure is crumbling. Washington Post article – no surprise there…Trump doesn't know Putin if he says that. Russia breaks every agreement ever made. I despise Trump. I'm frustrated with Biden too – Ukraine must WIN Decisive VICTORY. And we must know that Ukraine is fighting Putin AND his allies China, Iran, and No. Korea (Putin's new world order of Authoritarians, as he spoke of in Sochi.)

  2. To build support for Ukraine stay out of all foreign politics. I support Ukraine and I support Trump. Don’t ruin your own support and CERTAINLY don’t believe everything you read in American newspapers.

  3. As an American, I am disgusted and embarrassed by the US government. Trump has such a huge over inflated opinion of himself. He is an egotist, a narcissist, and an idiot. I do hope there is a trial and he gets convicted. It would be a disaster for the world were he to get into the WH again. Hell, he would probably give Alaska back to ruzzia (I live in Alaska) if he thought he could "make a great deal".

  4. That Trump story is fake news. Why do you guys swallow it? Trump has responded to this fake news. He is not going to tell Putin what he is going to do before he does it. That's Biden that does that. You don't know the first thing about Trump. One thing you can bank on. Trump is no friend of Putin and he does not support Putin's invasion. So stop suckling up fake news.

  5. @UkrainianCanadian Both sidesing the issue hurts your argument here. Would you prefer Biden and the Democrats provide zero aid? If the blame is held equally between MAGA Republicans and Biden then you're basically saying it doesn't matter which party controls Congress because both sides suck. With that attitude Ukraine is never going to win the war, because voters watch your program too and they may think it doesn't matter who they vote for. No sir, it does! I could see if you framed your argument as Biden has provided a lot of weapons and aid to Ukraine however his redlines on providing 300km ATACMS, blocking F16's at least initially, and other approaches like this makes him look weak and is appeasement to Moscow.

    Key word is the beginning of my statement where Biden at least deserves some credit but his Ukraine policy clearly isn't without it's flaws. That's very different than saying both sides are at fault. I could point to Republicans holding up Ukraine aid for action on the border even though, Republicans refused to work with Biden and other Presidents on the border for 30 years. Now all the sudden they leverage it in exchange for Ukraine aid. Democrats said "yes" and Republicans changed their minds. Additionally non-MAGA Republicans voted for Mike Johnson as speaker of the House and they refuse to leverage his speakership for Ukraine aid. They can't even be trusted to sign a discharge petition as there are 2 in Congress. One of them is just Ukraine, Taiwan, Israel, Gaza bill but rather than signing that bill they're signing a 2nd Ukraine aid bill with domestic policy Democrats disagree with baked in there. So no, they aren't being fair.

    Democrats have done everything they could to pass Ukraine aid. Biden has done more than any other President on Ukraine, however he's fallen short in certain respects. Blaming both sides is not helpful here. While I'm mad at Republicans for playing political football with Ukraine, despite their blundering the discharge petition and leveraging Ukraine for domestic policy I do think they'd like to get something done on Ukraine to their credit. Democrats haven't played with this issue so they're doing it right. If I'm wrong provide evidence that Democrats in Congress are just as bad on Ukraine as Republicans. Saying Biden didn't go far enough is very different from saying Democrats are bad.

    Last thing, I'm frustrated too. I'm frustrated with House Speaker Mike Johnson, frustrated with MAGA Republicans, and to some degree Biden. I hate that Russia has kidnapped Ukrainian babies, I've heard horror stories about Russian torture tactics such as actually pulling teeth!!!!! Their mistreatment of civilians such as gang rape and sending Ukrainian children into sex trafficing. Raping dead bodies, mass graves, etc. Don't think I don't get angry and upset when I hear about this stuff it makes me want to punch Vladimir Putin in the face and beat the shit out of him.

    With that said we should keep things in focus, we both know Trump is worse on the issue, Kharkiv and Khersion might still be in Russian hands if not for Biden and allies' intervention. Biden built a coalition to help Ukraine sure, but it doesn't completely absolve him from criticism I get that too. But I take issure with framing it as a bipartisan issue when it's not because then voters will look at that statement and say "Both sides are the same so I won't vote for either one" when there clearly is a difference between the two sides, defeatism is how Putin wins. Remember that

  6. ,,,,
    É o que escrevo . A NATO, quando entrar na Ucrânia para testar tiro ao alvo na sucata russa , não vão encontrar aviões nem navios para os testes da nova tecnologia ocidental ,os ucranianos destroem_nos todos além de refinarias e afins.

    Mesmo de mãos atadas,sem poder atingir território moskow , os heróis Ucranianos dizimam os russos aos milhares por semana 449 mil deads . Caem do céu em parafuso , afundam como o moskwa,ardem tanques ás centenas .Se fosse com a NATO ou América,os russos estavam dizimados há 23 meses.

    Vamos go go , obrigado por nos defenderem dessa raça,go Crimeia sempre foi e será Ucrânia livre 🇺🇦🔱🇺🇦


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