The Next God of War Mythology Revealed in Valhalla? (GOW Ragnarok Valhalla Teasers)

Has the new God of War Ragnarok Valhalla DLC just teased The Next God of War Mythology? In this video, we go into this topic in full detail, and talk about it.

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Intro – 0:00
1:43 – Tyr Story Recap
3:38 – Tyr Fight 1 – Spear and shield
4:10 – Tyr Fight 2 – Egyptian kopesh
5:35 – Tyr Fight 3 – Aztec War Club
7:17 – Tyr Fight 4 – Katana

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22 thoughts on “The Next God of War Mythology Revealed in Valhalla? (GOW Ragnarok Valhalla Teasers)”

  1. Tyr is preparing Kratos for each Pantheon using weapons from distant lands.
    Kratos – The god of Hope, will give every other Pantheon just that.

    It's one thing to call upon the god of war, but it's another to call upon Hope.

  2. Four (Five) Pantheons teased/showcased. 1. Greek 2. Egyptian 3. Aztec/Mesoamerican 4. Japanese/Shinto 5. Celtic.

    This might be a big post hear me out.

    Now Greek we get. Egyptian is pretty popular and was the initial plan to go to next. The last three to me would be the most interesting to explore.

    Aztec or Mesoamerican mythology isn't really explored in popular media, so it would be cool to explore in a big budget AAA game. But here are things that stand out to me regarding this mythology. Atreus has set off to look for giants in other lands. Firstly Aztec mythology has giants. In fact, they are a discriminated group like the Jotunn, look up the Quinametzin. Secondly the gods of these lands and the culture there have a warlike and brutal quality that would really gel with God of War and Kratos's Spartan heritage. If you want brutal gods to tango with and a pantheon that are for sure antagonists, Aztec got you covered. Another cool connection is even though the Vikings did explore the Americas before Columbus it was mainly North America (Canada), BUT given the nature of God of War we can stretch it to Mexico. Also a great God that would for sure be an ally would be Quetzalcoatl, The Feathered Serpent, God of Wisdom, Culture, and Wind.

    Japanese is cool because well everyone loves Japan, but like Aztec, is a mythology that hasn't been thoroughly explored. More so the culture/history has in MANY games and its monsters definitely. The only game I can think has explored the actual mythology is Okami. Monsters, weapons, beautiful vistas and environments all of that would be covered. The issue with Japan is for the most part most of the Gods aren't "evil". There are evil Gods like Amatsu Mikaboshi or even maybe Izanami. But to greenlight the whole pantheon as something to take out by Kratos or Atreus would require a flip in tradition. Something like they did with Odin and his brood being dictator-like/antagonistic. Because Amaterasu the head of the pantheon is for the most part benevolent and motherly for all under her care. I could see Tsukuyomi start a coup-de-etat but that's where you'd have to get really creative. Another good thing is there are giants, like the Daidarabotchi, Onyudo, Umi Bozu, and the Oni if you really want to stretch it. But they have no real stories of battling the gods. They just tend to keep to themselves or eat people.

    Lastly I personally believe Celtic is the secret one NO ONE is paying attention to and is the most likely where we're going to see next! Hear me out! (Tin foil hat on) Firstly it's the one pantheon that keeps popping up but doesn't get highlighted. It's symbol shows up in the first game on the mural, three Celtic beings show up in the Norse games – Wulvers, the Kelpie you oddly ride to take you to the Norns (???), and last but not least our biggest addition to the franchise and main cast member – MIMIR. In the games and in this latest DLC Mimir constantly brings up his past as PUCK from Midnight Summer's Dream. In this DLC Kratos is like "You ever want to go back? You've been having dreams of your forest" (I'm paraphrasing). But also isn't it odd that every pantheon teased so far was highlighted with a weapon by Tyr but Celts get no highlight? Where's my Carynx and Falcata? Secondly there are Giants! A shit ton in the British Isles and in Ireland. The Tuatha de Dannan vs The Formorians (giants), would be an easy flip like how Santa Monica did with the Aesir vs the Jotunn. Also not to mention King Arthur has many stories of hunting and killing Giants, particularly by hiring Jack the Giant Slayer. Finally like with Aztec, Vikings have historically invaded/explored the British Isles. Plus Atreus is going on his own to new lands. WELL The British Isles are RIGHT NEXT DOOR to Scandinavia (Norway). For a young explorer discovering his first land, Britain or Albion would be more believable than going all the way to Egypt, Japan, or Mexico.

    If you made it this far thanks for reading my tangent and theories.

  3. While the Mezoamerican is a new one, the rest had been hinted at by the end of the precdeding game. In all likeliness, the next game will follow the travels of Atreus and his girlfriend. Aside from the obvious suggestion by the key note in the story of Atreus leaving, in this DLC Kratos is being setup as taking headmanship over the Norse pantheon/world, thereby anchoring him to the local. We may end up with a game with Kratos on the warpath yet again in order to rescue Tyr or Atreus, but probably not in the next one.

  4. It would make a little bit of sense to have the Aztecs be next. Ik everybody want Egypt but having the Aztecs after the Norse mythology would be a nice reference to the fact that Vikings arrived before the Spanish to America

  5. I think it will be mixture of all different mythology all rolled in has part peace keeping he starts after clearing the God of war Ragnarok that's my take after playing God of war Ragnarok Valhalla DLC k

  6. Best bets for next mythology is Egypt first since they always mentioned that was originally where the 2018 GoW was going to go and they were very interested in taking it there the next highest contenders are Japanese and Chinese mythology they have very extensive mythological creatures and deities to choose from and would be interesting to see Kratos meet while I'd love to see Aztec I'm not as well versed in outside of those available in Smite so no sure how extensive that is

  7. As much as I love myths and legends from Egypt, Meso-America and Japan, I think that from the course that the current GoW team have taken, they will be going for the already existing mythological wars (like Ragnarok, The Norse Twilight of the Gods), rather than making new mythological wars.

    Sure, they might make new ones for Egyptian, Meso-american or Japanese myths, but why not take from the ones that are already available?

    For example, Chinese myths have "The Investiture of the Gods", which is the great epic battle between gods, immortals, beasts and demons during the military struggle of the kingdom of Zhou against the tyranical Shang dynasty.

    Or, my personal favorite, the Hindu mythology, with two epics, the Ramayana, and the Mahabharata.
    Both have epic and titanic battles, with mythological heroes and monsters battling one another.

    And as personal opinion, instead of Tyr and/or Kratos, why not give this chance to our young wandering hero, Atreus, to be in them?

    Surely this will be like a hero's journey for him, adventuring in the mythological realms of China or India, and getting more insight and legends attached to his name.

  8. The Aztec culture would be so dope as the next game. We’ve already seen games place in the Egyptian and Japanese historical eras so it would be something new to have GOW take place in a relatively unknown era.

  9. I'll be honest, seeing how they try to make a more complex story out of gods that demand human sacrifice or they'll end the world, like as the main tenant of their religion, will be very interesting.

  10. 1, 2, 3 is Greek

    4, and 5 is Nordic (maybe the sixth too)

    Huge chance Egypt gonna be the next one. 7, 8, 9 GoW (if they really gonna keep trilogy pattern).

    The Aztec already on the fans theories. there was four Gods of War painting shown in the previous game. 10, 11, 12 GoW maybe.

    The Japanese weapon from Tyr confirm the next mythology on the line. 13, 14, 15 GoW. I hope I still be around, at least until these ones. I cant wait to play them with my future grand kids.


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