Russia sent warship to the Atlantic Ocean

Russia sent a frigate armed with hypersonic cruise missiles to the Atlantic Ocean. Putin said NATO’s existence in the region is unacceptable, and Russia will create its own dominance in the Atlantic.

#russia #nato #ukraine
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39 thoughts on “Russia sent warship to the Atlantic Ocean”

  1. I think it is clear to everyone that if Ukraine falls, the Baltic countries and Alaska will follow, Russia will never stop, so NATO&US need to act now with Ukraine, because then it will be too late, China is watching and choosing a side

  2. I agree with Putin 💯 and he has prooved that NATO is very weak, if NATO was strong would have decided attack Russia like what they did to Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan but they can't attack Russia let the war games continue hahaha

  3. All right people need to be careful Ukraine war could be just an illusion me by saying that is if NATO countries come down that help Ukraine and a mean military troops ,Russia will have a big opening through the Artic,can go after Noway and the U.S.A, BECAREFULL please

  4. Russia wants to destroy Norway because it is one the major suppliers of gas to Europe. They want to make Europeans die from the cold and cripple Europe's industries, so they won't be able to react when Russia invades. Putin wants to conquer the world.

  5. Russia is losing because of dumb stunts like this. Zircons are only as good as the frigates carrying them. Missiles can't fly underwater to hit submarines, hyper-sonic or not! You would think they would have learned a lesson or two in the Baltic Sea already.

  6. Well done President Putin , these fools in Europe, have sold out to the USA. Not one NATO state has weaponry to protect its own interests Russia will soon win in Ukraine, while Europe becomes a stooge for the USA, foolish Europeans, and west your done

  7. What. Did.. The.. West.. Expect….. They…. Shood.. B.. Lucky… That.. China.. Is.. Not.. Their.. As.. Well. When… USA nato.. UK.. The.. West.. Ar..…russ..front….door😎👍🍷🇮🇪


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