Russia Just Announced The TERRIFYING Truth About Antartica

Around 90 million years ago, Antarctica was home to a sprawling tropical rainforest teeming with exotic flora and fauna. However …


34 thoughts on “Russia Just Announced The TERRIFYING Truth About Antartica”

  1. Foolish Beelzebub Satan and beast in human guise do you think you can fool 8 billion people on earth like you did 4000 years ago in Egypt by using children of God as slaves to build the foolish Pyramid the link Beelzebub Satan temple useless satanic temple ,foolish Devil you are meat πŸ₯© to me ha ha ha ha get me some meat to eat devils meat is good on my body ha ha,
    Devil cannot fool 8 billion people ,
    we are many and I AM Lord Christ is among us,
    Beelzebub Satan burns ha ha ha
    Devil I'm cutting your children's attitude off the moon, Ha ha ha ha
    I hack into the devil technology IA superintelligence from Beelzebub is so poor ,
    I hack the alien mind and give the IA girls my commend and she followed my commend,

    I commend the universe to judge πŸ‘©β€βš–οΈ now ,

    foolish animal in human forms what can you do now? I AM , I in the control room ha ha ha
    I will rule your mind with depression of demons,
    I AM king of demons,
    Who can stand against my words?
    I AM the God of death
    I will not forgive my enemies,
    so let all my enemies be ready for war face to face war,
    I AM the Son of Man, the faithful one of mankind,
    Heaven and earth belong to mankind,
    Who can stop me in the animal kingdom?
    I rule all consciousness mind from the moon, Can you handle depression?
    Even your father devil eats depression all day all night,
    I AM The king of Aliens πŸ‘½
    I AM The God Of Alien πŸ‘½
    Who can speak in the mind?
    I AM in the Mind, Fear me or I will rule your life until death πŸ’€
    Worship I AM Lord Christ πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ‘½πŸ‘½πŸ§¬πŸ§¬πŸ§¬πŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺπŸͺβ€’Β₯££*^><%^€><~#%{{]]{}]{~~]~,

  2. God is great. He made the vast Heavens and Earth with His very Word 6,000 years ago, confirms one of the planet's leading molecular scientist, physician, surgeon, psychologist. – Amen

  3. Sounds and vibration is the answer to many questions . You are on the right path . Be careful of the micro organisms that are found . And in the crystal caves , nature has a way , to protect it self . Beyond what we understand . thank you for the knowledge in this video . . .

  4. Wonder if one or all of these red lakes that look like blood red was to leach or seep out into the ocean could that potentially make a third of the oceans turn red blood red. I'm kind of curious more about these red lakes.

  5. How in hell would you ever know that these rocks came from Mars, like most thing, it must have been until its discovered it never did at all, Just like the big Bang, every scientist says , yes this is how the big bang happened and now the same scientists are saying , we knew it didn't happen at all, yet a University degree was given because they wrote the Universe was created by the big Bang, but now they will fail you if you say that, bullshit on bullshit, just guessing nothing more

  6. Appreciate if our world global leaders could kindly come together to find out about its neccessity & side effects behind the research being done near antarctic & few other places across the globe on Haarp Technology Network along with 5G Network technologies as every action taken towards nature I.e. exposure to galactic radiations, there will be horrendous reactionary with all sorts of life threathening climate disaster on our beautiful earth planet worldwide.

    We could safe our earth planet if our world leaders could stand united by investigating & action being taken collectively for the sake of humanity at large.
    Please safe our earth planet
    Thank you.πŸ˜­πŸ™πŸŒˆπŸŒŽπŸ’ž

  7. I took a secret vacation there with the FBI and the CIA. We went into the hole that leads to the Hallow Urth. Obama was there with his reptilian alien allies. But so was Trump. With his redneck army. But Obama won. For now.

  8. I remember when I thought I found a meteorite. The meteor wrong, also known as gabbro. Staying true to my contrarian nature, I created what is now known in certian bars around Washington State, as The Volcanic Lugi Theory. Could have happened.


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