Did Moloch land in Georgia?

Eight foot tall Native Americans on the barrier islands of Florida and Georgia would sacrifice their babies in the same fashion as the Canaanites of the Bible when the first settlers arrived to the New World. We discuss how the Robber Baron’s at the turn of the 20th century used the Ka from these rituals to anchor the monetary system that we use today!


24 thoughts on “Did Moloch land in Georgia?”

  1. All this beasty sacrifice i Torah show talmudic interferens in any scripture. God i creation and life. A sacrifice to God is to give time and create beauty on his creation.
    The inversion is so obvious. Bible thumbers bye into all this nonsense. God is what is and ones connection in spirit. Living is taught in nature. The expectation to a human being is using the devine spirit and the our complex neurology to create and be good, true and moral. That is a very special condition. Being a talmudig ghoul is just animal behavior. Anyting apart from divine behavior resides in animals.
    As in nature balance is restored in species.
    Talmudic ghouls have made world wide legislations to prevent retaliation. But balance is a natural event. Al works of talmudic ghouls have no validity. Remove the bottom card and restore God's intention for his creation. Bless.

  2. @Biocharisma Awesome show! I was reminded of a "line" in Space Balls that could be art imitating reality. "Funny she doesn't look Drewish. Druid and Jewish connection reference. I also just thought of a funny line for Dr. Longo and his hilarious comments. Something about…Taking the semen out of the semites. JUst being a little silly.


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