RUSSIA CRUMBLING, SENDS NUCLEAR WARNING! Breaking Ukraine War News With The Enforcer (Day 779)

Russian forces are being bled dry of usable equipment in Ukraine, and Russia has become desperate for progress, conducting a test of the Topol-M nuclear ICBM as a sign of warning for western nations. Russia is also conducting further large armored pushes, but taking heavy losses and making few advances. Meanwhile Israel was attacked by a Hezbollah rocket barrage today which was shot down by Israel, US and Israeli forces still wait for the massive attack that is thought to be still coming soon.

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23 thoughts on “RUSSIA CRUMBLING, SENDS NUCLEAR WARNING! Breaking Ukraine War News With The Enforcer (Day 779)”

  1. Russia has the Chinese hypersonic missiles and the U.S. do not and forget tanks/armoured vehicles, they're only good for 'clean-up'. Also, the less 'options' the Russians have the more likely they'll resort to missiles.

  2. Why couldnโ€™t Ukraine become neutral like Switzerland? I know I donโ€™t have a lot of knowledge about this, but just an idea. If itโ€™s not in Nato and not in the EU, like Switzerland, it would be a separation between Western Europe and Middle East. We could bring a similar Neutrality like we have in Switzerland by Swiss people in a temporary government that would make the country totally transparent, independent and neutral and the most important: bring peace. Would that even be possible? Just wondering. That would perhaps be a solution that we as swiss could bring to the world.

  3. Ukraine is also a very natural resource rich place, especially iron and titanium ore. some say gold will be hard to find around 2050. We cant produce natural resources by themself, they're only created by the explosion of a star, or supernova

  4. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜JOKE OF THE YEAR๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
    "Russia is crumbling "๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜what kind of cocaine is these morons are sniffing?๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜PUTIN MADE RUSSIA GREAT AGAIN๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  5. Every time Putinโ€™s back is to the wall , he pulls out the old Nuclear warning card !! , โ€œ The empty drum makes the most noise โ€œ The western allies and NATO, should provide Ukraine with whatever they need now to hammer this Idiot into the dust !!

  6. Mr. Putin, you know you would never use your weapon of destruction on humans. For if you do, you will greatly destroys huge number of world populations including your country. Be very vice stop this war. Focus on creating friends & make money. Once you created friends, you will gains business. Wars only destroys everything. Today you gain territory, any time people will get it back. It is because it was not your's for the taking. Only what you honestly earned that you can keep & never worries. Because of you, I can not drive any vehicle. I can not afford the high price of gas. Because of you, we all pays more for everything. You have earned a lot of hates instead of loves. You are in a time where you can die & yet you racks up so many sins. Are you not afraid of what are waiting for you? Do good deeds is what you should be doing. There is a God & I have met God. I had a life reviewed. Maybe I am back is to warns you that God do existed. My good Brother was severely punished for just thinking of cursing me. God made him be my guard for 20 plus years. If you cares about your Soul or what is going to happened to your Soul, stop killings by stopping your war. Times lost you will never get back. You will never win because there will be those who will make sure you will never win. But if you do good deeds, you will earns good deeds. You have such a very short time to live your life. Why spent it on racking evil deeds? Why not do the opposite? Such good talents gone to wastes. It is never to late to be good. Once you leave Earth, you can't even take a hair. Bad deeds only gets hatreds. Why binge on killings & racks bad deeds? The guardians of the Earth are so hating you. They might take revenges. They also made this Planet their home. They made a pack with God in exchange of living on Earth. God is the only Guardian first. The marvels of all God's creations. You needs to stop the wars. While you are at wars, a greater force of nature that will kills us all. We needs every country to quickly focus on how to reverse a great destruction of the Earth. You have great mind, you can help. If you don't, you & your country will perished along with the rest of us. The ball has rolled. You all must stop the fighting. You all trying to saved what you can't keep. If we all failed, we will all perishes. May God helps us.


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