Dev Thoughts 31 – Risk of Rain Returns – Survivor Reveal & Chris Christodoulou Interview

Risk of Rain Returns – Coming Soon!


29 thoughts on “Dev Thoughts 31 – Risk of Rain Returns – Survivor Reveal & Chris Christodoulou Interview”

  1. Just want to point out that the music during the trailer is a reimagined version of Surface Tension by Damjan Mravunac (composer fro Serious Sam and The Talos Principle)! It's rather segmented here but you can get an idea of how the full version sounds like — and its pretty spectacular!

  2. Interesting. Every melee character in every Risk of Rain game has a lot of tools to maintain the melee game. In ror1, they either have iframes (loader, merc and miner), insane healing (han-d) or insane aAOE (acrid). Even in ror2 this rule applies. Loader has insane damage, movement and a passive that generates shields every hit, Acrid has poison that can outscale every enemy, M1 with healing and insane movement with Leaps and Merc has tons of iframes with two abilities and exposed to make cooldowns shorter so even more iframes.

    The Drifter has nothing of that, this rule is completely broken with her. No iframes, no defensive ability, no healing, no massive movement and no massive AOE, she has nothing. The temporary items may be really good early game with few items but the later you are into a run, less and less these 4 items will matter for your build because what will extra 4 items do when you have 50-80 items. I can't see me building items defeating Providence when i could safely use my scrap to attack him with my M2 with range.

  3. Looks amazing.
    You guys should seriously think about doing a RoR themed pinball table with Zen's Pinball FX.
    The music, artwork, characters would be a great fit.

  4. how about your "guys in suits" do something about how the Discord server is being managed?

    i ain't comfortable buying a game which forces me to do matchmaking for games in a Discord server that is managed by basement dwellers who arbitrarily ban people just because they do not subscribe to Murica's eagleland political correctness.

  5. I’m gonna get risk or rain 1 just to understand the full story so I can play this but since this is like a remake of risk only rain 1 or so what I can tell and we’ve already covered providence and Mithrix lore will we be getting any more lore or no?

  6. I can’t wait for this to drop, it’s gonna be so fun experimenting with items and unlocking characters, plus I might finally get some friends in on it

  7. Hating all about this with every fiber in my body. Risk of Rain was one of the, if not the, best videogames i have played since the 90s. "Remaking" what already worked with near perfection just.. screams how empty your pockets must feel. Damn i lost all the respect for your studio mid RoR2, but after you announced this as a serious project after basically letting Deadbolt die even though fans cried for it… just wow. You moneyhungry haters


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