Rurikhan Discusses New World Problems | New World MMO Wasn't Ready for Launch

Amazon Game Studios can’t catch a break as their New World MMO continues to stumble and trip over the many bugs and issues that persist in the game. Unlike Server Transfers which have once again been delayed and had actual persistence errors that destroyed the economy even more.

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23 thoughts on “Rurikhan Discusses New World Problems | New World MMO Wasn't Ready for Launch”

  1. At the moment in my opinion game is worth its asking price. Even with its glaring issues its easily 200-400 hours of playtime for 40$. That being said™ if AGS starts fixing bugs and exploits it might be a decent MMO in about a year time. As it stands right now, majority of my community logs only to clear the elite chests and for wars… that stopped happening because our enemies grew bored of always loosing and there been literal peace on the island for a week now. Right now game feels like its paid Beta.

  2. One of my complaints on the game is that things feel great, but I hate the stat system. Just let me use the weapons I want to use. There's a weapon skill exp system in place, so it's not like I can just switch to anything without investing some time first.

  3. Maybe next time it would be a good idea not to announce a release date three times in a row if they see that the game has problems. Will take some of the fanboys on twitter off their case at least.

  4. So everything is fun ……… buuuuuuuut . Lol as someone else has mentioned for 40$ the game is a steal . There is no sub and I enjoy every minute I a playing . It does have its issues , but for me they are not worth complaining about. Either play it or don’t … easy.

  5. One of the more glaring issues outside of server transfers I see, is the fact that "gank squads" can just sit in low level zones to grief players trying to experience the full game. Now, yes, I'm sure I will hear the "but you queued up for PvP" argument, taking the risk. You're absolutely right and I accept that, but you should be able to at least fight back, which you cannot. Yesterday, on my alt that I started, I had a squad of (4) level 50+ jump me in First Watch, level 11 area. I think I was 12 at the time. Now would have I survived if it were (4) players equal to my level? No. I would have at least had a chance to flee though. There needs to be a way to either give players who want to queue in for PvP at low levels a chance against higher level players, or bar those higher level players from being able to jump players who don't have a fighting chance IMO.

  6. Reminds me of a story: gather round children- When Final Fantasy 11 was first release globally, on day 1 for 1 day, you could do a similar gil duping trick. Probably also facilitated by massive server lag at a huge launch. You could trade someone gil at a zone line, complete the trade, and instantly zone as you click confirm. Youd zone back in with full gil, didnt even need to log out 🙂
    Ive heard there are people to this day that are still riding the 999 million gil (or more using alts lol) they got on that first day XD

  7. its fun in a group yes. the sad reality is wow decimated my former guild and I'm the only one left, and the WOD/Legion pvp discord I was running is also decimated. Not everyone transferred to play NW. I was hoping people would come back, but I understand being burned so badly that no MMO would probably be worth their time. I've also done 1-20 on 3 different servers now and I enjoy seeing the same content on a different server to see how things are different (server pop, zone dominance, etc).

  8. That Kira and Peon both find this game fun is baffeling to me, it achieves the bare minimum of what an mmo is supposed to be. The combat is bland, enemy variety I can count on my fingers and there is basically no real group content till lvl 25 and even than it is a boring expedition.
    Getting into a war? Good look with a 50 people maximum. Invasion? Lvl 50 requierement. I burned out at lvl 32 because I dont like playing a mediocre singleplayer game which cosplays as an mmo.


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