Rule the Waves 3 | Fleet Battles | First Look | Italian Campaign | Part 2

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Build Your Navy, from pre-Dreadnoughts to Aircraft Carriers and Missile Cruisers!

Rule the Waves III is a simulation of naval ship design and construction, fleet management and naval warfare from 1890 to 1970.

It will place you in the role of ‘Grand Admiral’ of a navy from the time when steam and iron dominated warship design up to the missile age.

Rule the Waves III will let you design and build the ships of your navy, and lead them into battle when war erupts. You will guide your navy’s deployment, construction and operations during a period of great technological innovation and political tensions. While the game derives much of its technology and events from ‘actual’ history, you will find that you forge your own new history each and every time you play!
Campaigns start in either 1890, 1900,1920 or 1935 and can run through 1970.
Monthly strategic turns with Battles resolved in a realistic tactical naval battle resolution system.
Manage your naval budget, and deal with interfering Kaisers, presidents or navy ministers as well as a variety of historical events including naval treaties.
Realistic design of ships ranging from corvettes to battleships and aircraft carriers.
Research and technical development will determine ship design and tactics.
Espionage will keep you up to date on the progress of competing navies
Submarines, airships, aircraft and missiles will all appear and change the naval balance of power.
Build, train, maintain and fight with your own ‘ideal’ navy.
Construct coastal fortifications, airbases and other defenses
Play as USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Russia, Italy, Japan, Spain, Austria-Hungary, or China.


17 thoughts on “Rule the Waves 3 | Fleet Battles | First Look | Italian Campaign | Part 2”

  1. On the premotion thing.

    You're right that he is the most senior ranking Captain, but I think Commander is actually higher in rank, meaning you're having him skip an entire rank in his promotion, and are overlooking every commander. I THINK thats why, could be wrong.

  2. I don’t think you need to promote captains to rear-admiral before creating divisions. If you assign ships to the division, I think you then get the option to put the captain of the lead ship in command of the division without costing prestige. (At least I think that is what I saw in other videos.)

  3. Wait, I just noticed Greece and parts of the Ottoman Empire are unclaimed as well, that's really weird.

    12:10 Yeah, I still don't understand how Britain would tolerate you taking Portugal's colonies without consulting them, lol.

    34:20 I mean, they should be marked British if they're not going to marked as Portuguese for coding reasons simply because there's no way Britain would let someone else take them without being compensated.

    34:45 Even if they had superior navy, you think you'd still have trade with the Austrians to the east with the Adriatic Sea.

    46:00 Yeah, I don't get the blockade situtation.

  4. Weren't the blockades in previous versions all about the difference in tonnage, not just number of ships? Like having a 10-20% heavier fleet being enough to blockade? They have similar number of ships to you, but theirs are much heavier.

  5. I have not played the game yet, but I could swear I have seen other YouTubers create the division first and then assign a commanding officer, and there is no prestige cost since you have a clear need for that Rear Admiral… but as I say, don't quote me on it, my memory may be foggy

  6. Great video THG, I'm very excited to see this series! One thing though , at 8:48 when you are deciding what to to about the unemployment and poverty, the other options that hurt prestige and budget would be chosen if you were wanting to decrease unrest, so even though they don't have a guaranteed benefit they do have a chance to decrease unrest if chosen which is why you'd choose them. Sorry to be that guy but I just wanted you to know this for the future, so you don't end up with a revolution on your hands!

  7. If this is like RTW2 then you are blockaded because France has nore tonnage in the Mediterranean. I think that game has a blockade tonnage multiplier too that penalises easy to blockade countries like Italy.

    In battle you to decide whether to control divisions or not and then set AI control if needed. You kept having divisions on manual control without orders.

  8. Your guns on your AI designed B's are rubbish. If you leave OK at the stats you will see why te ships aren't effective. The reload alone is extremely poor. The narrow belt is also making them susceptible to damage.

  9. Do you really need the training and intelligence cost. I find it quite inefficient because if you get rid of it you can get another B building

  10. I think that in rear admiral mode, you have to order a flotilla attack in order to get your ships to fire torpedoes (and even then, they may or may not fire them, depending on how much they like the solution). Right-click on your entire fleet header in the order of battle list, select "Status…", and toggle on Flotilla Attack. A black flag will appear on the left side of the map view to remind you that it's active.


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