Royal Mail will stage ten days of strike action | Andy Furey from Communication Workers Union

Assistant Secretary of the Communication Workers Union, Andy Furey, says Royal Mail ‘can afford’ to give workers a pay rise, as there will be ten days of strike action.

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23 thoughts on “Royal Mail will stage ten days of strike action | Andy Furey from Communication Workers Union”

  1. Getting more pay than most and still not happy !
    "Sorry for any inconvenience"….. If you are sorry you would not strike !
    You should all get the sack and be replaced with people who are happy to do the job.
    Lazy bunch of ass holes all your doing is affecting peoples businesses that do want to work !!!


  2. What a complete and utter twat is Andy Furey. These Unions are taking us back to the 70s! The Royal Mail is out of date. As a business owner I have stopped using the Royal Mail due to this bullshit. I hope the whole organisation goes under.

  3. They did far more work for less money years ago and we had two deliveries a day Mon-Fri. My dad was a postie in the '70's and it was a well paid job then with harder work,today they are just lazy and don't like working for a living and that is not just the Royal Mail,most so called workers today won't paying for doing very little. The working man is his own worst enemy, the start of another version of the early 1970's.

  4. There's no wonder they're struggling. People are pissed off with them. Not only is everything getting more expensive, at the same time their level of service is the worst it's ever been. People are switching to private logistic companies.


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