Ron is 6 ft tall, his shadow is 20 ft. How tall is the tree next to him if it has a shadow of 90 ft?

How to a similar triangle word problem using proportions.

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23 thoughts on “Ron is 6 ft tall, his shadow is 20 ft. How tall is the tree next to him if it has a shadow of 90 ft?”

  1. 1st:
    Quantify the relation between height (H) and shadow (S) :
    H (ft-act) to S (ft-sha) = 6 ft-act/20 ft-sha
    = 3/10
    = 0.3 ft-act/ft-sha
    2nd: apply to tree
    S = 90 ft-sha
    H = S × [H/S] see how S cancels?
    H ft-act = 90 ft-sha × 0.3 ft-act/ft-sha
    H ft-act = 27 ft-act
    /// notice how the ft-sha of tree cancels ft-sha of ratio. A valuable lesson I picked up in Eng 101: the quantity identifiers MUST cancel.. i.e. , as above, "ft-sha" in numerator cancels out "ft-sha" in denominator.
    As in when using mph there's miles in numerator and hour in denominator. Miles/hour × hours = miles! The "hour" in numerator cancels "hour" in denominator.

  2. Don't forget to take into account the position and density of the light, the slope of the ground, or place and angle a shadow is projected to. You might find your theory is off. What is the answer of this: (6-1) x 0 = 5. Why is that? Theory math says the answer is 0, not 5. And yet the answer is 5.


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