Rome 2 Total War: Galatian Campaign – 12 – Backs To The Wall


– Rome Total War Music
– Orbis Aquarum – Realistic Campaign Water
– Orbis Terrarum II
– AAA: Generals – Greeks (Aging, Advancing, Acclimatising)
– AAA: Generals – Africans (Aging, Advancing, Acclimatising)
– AAA: Generals – Romans (Aging, Advancing, Acclimatising)
– The Ancient Women Mod
– [Dei submod] – Better Building Icons
– Ancient Font
– Divide et Impera 12 Turns Per Year Submod ( 12TPY )
– Divide et Impera


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29 thoughts on “Rome 2 Total War: Galatian Campaign – 12 – Backs To The Wall”

  1. What can I say, fantastic series, the quality just shines through, and the battles are truly epic!!😮 every installment that drops, I'm properly excited! 😊 looking forward to the next episode ⚔ 👍😉

  2. I think that opening siege battle puts to precedent the importance of skirmisher units and cavalry as force multipliers. In a previous episode you mentioned you didn't like skirmisher units since they're effectively useless in the "skirmish" phase of the engagement thanks to the vanilla game's poor simulation of javelin impacts, which I agree with, *However*, DeI makes them especially deadly from the flanks. You can decimate the best heavy infantry units in the game with a flanked volley of javelins from even some of the lowest quality skirmisher units. If you're able to manipulate cavalry to clear the rear ranks of archers and skirmishers and deliver a flanked javelin attack after the AI has committed its units to the assault in city defenses, you can virtually win any city defense. It's so effective that many people consider it cheesy since the AI routinely overcommits in city and town assaults with no regard for their flanks, but the AI does appropriately cover their flanks with cavalry in field battles if available.

    Just food for thought.

    Unrelated, but coincidentally I'm knee deep in a DeI Scythian campaign right now and it's SO much fun. I love that realistic steppe tactics basically boil down to table flipping, rage inducing "fucking bullshit" of the video game world. Delete whatever cavalry they have, encircle them, pelt them with arrows and then once they commit to a flank or begin to route you just mop up with a few decisive charges. It's a cyclic dopamine racket and I love it. It also gets harder and harder the further you get from the open plains maps of the steppes as you delve into the mountains of the Caucasus or the forests of Europe, which is great for carrying a hefty challenge into the droll of the mid-game.

  3. Yeah, you gotta be careful with chariots. Their whole strength comes from charging into enemy infantry (preferably while they’re already tied down), so if you’re not paying attention and the chariots get shot at or charged themselves, they’ll fold quickly. If you’re not good at paying attention in multiple spots at once (I know I’m not), I’d suggest either having your chariots hang back behind some protection until the time is right or dropping them altogether in favor of an easier to manage unit.

    Edit: and yes, the Thracians’ love for javelins is ridiculous. It makes it extremely annoying to fight them (as well as the Numidians and Iberians, who have similar fixations with that weapon), especially if you rely on pikes and/or cavalry

  4. I’d love to see more series of this, and of the Goths I’d love to see especially. The Goths are just really fascinating to me and honestly a part of me likes the Barbarians more then the Romans.

  5. Your roleplayed series really are enjoyable to watch. I am more invested in this series than I am in anything I have watched recently. Also, poor Adbitos. Such an ambitious, talented, but foolish dude. At least Magurix did not have to chance alienating the Tolistebogi by executing him for such failure.


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