Rogue Trader Dynasties be like (Warhammer 40k meme dub)

A completely lore accurate story of a rogue trader house’s accomplishments.

yes, Obiwan Sherlock Clousseau is canon.

Inspired by some DreadAnon dubs:

Music is Strange Ways by Silent Partner:

#warhammer #40k #roguetrader #warhammer40k


21 thoughts on “Rogue Trader Dynasties be like (Warhammer 40k meme dub)”

  1. a guide on how to create names in warhammer 40K
    step one: punch your keyboard.
    step two: add an ius, er, ous, or an ion at the end of step one.
    step three (optional): you may add a random number at the end of the name if it fancies you (for example: "The IIth", it is recommended that you use the roman numerals for more class).
    congratulations, you now have your very own warhammer name!

  2. Hold on, if he got his warrant of trade during the great crusade, then how did he go down in history as the first human to get a goth GF since their disappearance in the age of Apostasy?

  3. For some reason when I saw “goth eldar” I thought of alternate couplings till I landed on “femboy tau” and now the phrase “blueberry bussy” won’t stop echoing in my head

    Someone please call an inquisitor, I need the emperors peace.


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