Rogue Trader – A Party-based CRPG with a Warhammer 40k Twist

I’ve wanted a BioWare-esque rpg set in the warhammer 40k universe for a long time, and to my personal delight, Owlcat have come along and finally delivered exactly that. But the question is, did they do a good job? Let’s find out…


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34 thoughts on “Rogue Trader – A Party-based CRPG with a Warhammer 40k Twist”

  1. I was quite surprised to hear Dave talking about how he doesn’t really like isometric RPGs… 😮 I can understand the “because nostalgia” factor of Baldur’s Gate, but I remember he spoke very fondly of Icewind Dale during one of his Oblivion episodes.

    Though, I do get what he means about the Pathfinder games. They’re really nice, but I never got grabbed by them in the same way that Pillars of Eternity, Torment Tides of Numenera or the classic DnD games did. I kinda bounced off Divinity for the same reason, I appreciated them, but they’re not my favourite RPGs. I guess I just love the older aesthetic and the hand painted backdrops more. They have such a great sense of time and place about them. I clicked with Numenera very hard when I hit the Bloom, and I just never had those click moments moments with Divinity or Pathfinder.

    I’m very tempted by this game though. I will definitely give it a chance when I have a bit more time in my life.

  2. 0:11 Hi, Dave.
    9:07 Augmentation: shower cap.
    14:17 Feat of Greatness and Brand of Shame. Love it, amazed they don't straight offset.
    34:56 Okay, this guy's need to over-dramatize things has started to wear thin for me.
    56:19 Also FF14. Though I don't know how that timeline works out.
    1:08:01 I don't mind % chances… to a point. There comes a point where a character just shouldn't fail, and that's where the "nat 1" just irritates me. I don't really "like" auto-pass stuff, but I do like "if your <skill mod> is greater than <some threshold>, you get extra options"… as long as it's not present and locked. It's the difference between KOTOR2 and ME2, one I love, the other I hate with a fiery passion.
    1:12:37 I love how in any other circumstance, this is comical overkill, but in 40k it's just normal
    1:43:41 Exploit makes damage number go up.
    1:51:39 Woo!

  3. I hope you do post more (of this, and in general) at YT, as realistically it's where I'm going to get to see it — and I doubt I'm the only one in that boat. (And it's great stuff! Thank you!)

  4. Usually love your stuff, especially the total war campaigns but F*** me this is sh*te with capital letters. I guess the only thing i can see as a positive is the character creation process otherwise bleurrgghhh


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