Robyn Hood Episode 2: ACAB – All Characters Are Broken!!

More nonsense in Sherwood & Forest as the police suddenly think it’s 1930’s Germany or something! As the comical victimisation is ramped up even further.

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27 thoughts on “Robyn Hood Episode 2: ACAB – All Characters Are Broken!!”

  1. Normal Villains in Media: Usually a selfish person that uses whatever means at their disposal to force their will upon others (What form this takes and the villain's motivations varies)
    Twitter Villains in Media: People who want to make society better

  2. It’s like all the rich spoiled kids took over their parents’ mansion and business, and decided to party in it and trash it, and then sit and whine and cry when they can’t figure out how to rebuild it and make more money to keep being careless. That’s every major Western city in a nutshell

  3. “Your kids broke into my buildings and stole stuff. I’m going to pay you to leave and live a good life.”

    Her: You evil white devil! I would assault you if I didn’t get paralyzed due to the criminal actions of my kids and their friends….

    Sounds about like how it would go

  4. This is in some ways a self insert by the writers and director. The seem themselves as Robyn, who by every metric is a villain, and create a caricature of a human being as the villain, yet make him less villainous than the protagonist/unintentional villain. Their sense of morality is so skewed and they have no self awareness, it's actually terrifying. These are people who make choices that influence the world, and as you can tell by their worldview, it is terrifying.

  5. Just one question about the theory you said. Why do you think that John Prince should be black to have lived in sherwood in the past? Although rare its possible for black people to give birth to light skinned folks. Hence if we go by that theory Prince could've been discriminated by his own people hence he changed his identity. (Who am i kidding? This show is too shallow to do that).

  6. So there is no Marion then?
    This show seem to really go all out woke. And by the looks of it it is even more woke than Rings of power and every other woke and semi-woke show. WOW that is an accomplishment.
    Especially being more woke than RoP which I thought was really woke. Thanks for reviewing so we don't have to watch and destroy our eyes!

  7. I finally tried to watch this to see if it was as bad as I was hearing, just so I could be objective, and the funny thing is I think people are taking it easy on this one.

    I think the big problem is that they are attempting to take incredibly biased people who can easily be pushed into doing divisive stuff and giving them a platform, when they should be hiring creators that know how to do nuanced stories. Instead of taking music video directors like DirectorX and loud mouthed journalists like Ta-Nehisi Coates and giving them bigger platforms, they should be looking towards the up and coming creative people and seeing if they can get them internships with people who know how to write and create already. I think a big part of the problem is that they kind of wish they had all these super talented black and minority creative people, but they really don't. They keep promoting people to do project who just aren't capable of it, which is why they fail, I was doing some checking and other than some pretty obscure people I can sort of see why DirectorX keeps being given shows, he's close to the only person they have that they could even remotely justify trying to have do anything. Rather than face planting this again and again though, perhaps they should work on cultivating talent for the next few generations, rather than trying to force it.

  8. Hmm, isn't Robyn Hood supposed to be an intersectional feminism manifesto? Why does she only whore out with men and women alike instead of becoming an independent CEO who needs no man? It doesn't make sense. If she becomes an OnlyFans "model" in the final episode, I'll lose my shit.

  9. Let's be honest. Idiots won't see it, but normal people will…this show just perpetuates the stereotyping as plain as day. Such utter garbage of a show. So sad, remember when we had GOOD shows like Prince of Bel Air and Sister Sister? I miss them.

  10. What I find funny, is that the only logical place to begin looking for a very specific stolen car is Sherwood. Begin investigating there. Then, you have the villains wearing the same getup on the music video that they put online used as the same outfits they robbed a very specific target with.

    There is so many things they could have done that would have made the initial premise so much better, but they just went with the basic victimhood narrative and use it as means to justify their own villainy. So brave.


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