Robert Kraft offers tickets to fan heckled – American football news

Robert Kraft offers tickets to fan heckled – American football news

Patriots owner Robert Kraft offers tickets, pregame sideline passes to fan heckled at Raiders game

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27 thoughts on “Robert Kraft offers tickets to fan heckled – American football news”

  1. Too bad Edmond and his friends didn't upload the whole video. Like the part he was talking trash to the couple when the Patriots were winning, he calls it gentle razzing SMH he was just quite during the video because the raiders came back to win and the shit talking blew up in his face. That being said the lady was doing too much, she shouldn't have been all in his face invading his personal space.

  2. You people need to watch the WHOLE video.
    Ya acting like the guy was just standing their minding his own business.
    He was instigating the whole thing.
    He was saying Raider fans go home.
    If your gonna run your mouth in an opponent's stadium you will most likely get called on it.
    Don't try to hide behind im just mr. nice guy and this is my first NFL game.
    Aw bullshit. Bet it comes out later that he's been to many patriots games.
    He's never been to a game but he makes sure everyone can see his patriots jersey and then he starts smack talking.
    Um yeah right.
    His buddy was laughing cause he knew what the guy was doing.

  3. Raiders fans have always been trash pretty much on par with Philly fans… Also I still remember that the raiders wide receiver crashed his Corvette and killed a woman. Fuck em

  4. People just can't have a good time no more
    I'm a raiders fan and there is just no need to be there like this. Fuck that lady and I hope she gets shit..I was hoping someone pushed her down. But good for him he made out at the end. Good man.

  5. Big bertha has big problems she has serious attitude, in others words what a loser with no class at all. I wish we knew her real name that way she can get a taste of her own medicine.


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