Rob Salem – The War on Monarch Hill (Epic Cinematic Score)

#cinematic #orchestra #symphony

My first original symphonic/orchestral/”cinematic” composition.

I started this about 3 years ago, after getting Spitfire Audio’s BBC Discover. I played around with it since, taking what was a simple melody I used to explore the different instruments in the sample library and developing it into something much larger.

I know it’s not “perfect”. It’s probably overdone in places. I could probably spend the rest of my life tweaking and refining things, but I’m happy with it enough to be done with it. So here it is.

“The War on Monarch Hill” is a ten-movement piece that I like to think of in cinematic terms. Each movement could be its own cue for a scene in a movie, telling the story of each scene and the film. Each movement can stand alone, but are intended as part of the greater whole, so that’s how I’m presenting it. Of course, there is no actual film for this work to accompany. But it’s fun to think of it as if there is, and while I feel this work has a fairly ‘American’ feel to it, I think it could work equally well for a Western setting as it could a medieval or fantasy setting. Perhaps even a war film.

The War on Monarch Hill

I. A Simple Life
II. An Oncoming Storm
III. After the Rain
IV. Trouble
V. Just in Time
VI. At What Cost?
VII. A Hero Rises
VIII. The Battle
IX. Victory Fanfare & Overture
X. Epilogue: Homecoming

Composed by Rob Salem
Released via Salem Soundworks
Published by The Stormworks

Copyright © 2023.


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