Rob Parker – Pat Riley's Argument for Kareem as GOAT is the Most Ridiculous Thing I Ever Heard

THE ODD COUPLE – Chris Broussard & Rob Parker dispute Pat Riley’s recent comments saying Kareem Abdul-Jabbar is the greatest of all time for his longevity especially when you consider the greatness of Michael Jordan and the longevity of LeBron James.

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20 thoughts on “Rob Parker – Pat Riley's Argument for Kareem as GOAT is the Most Ridiculous Thing I Ever Heard”

  1. Kareem is the basketball GOAT, he was the greatest high school, the greatest collegiate and the greatest in the NBA.
    A prime Kareem was unstoppable and he was taking to everyone and anyone on the opposition.

  2. Seven years that’s how many years it took the Goat 🐐 to reach the mountain top. I think it took Magic his rookie season to reach the mountain top and capture finals mvp. Now, this is what I want a goat to be. Like Magic Johnson

  3. alot of people don't mention kareem was a role player his last 2 rings and he was the 4th option it took him 18 years to win 6 rings jordan accomplished more in less time 6 rings in 14 years and was always the best player in the finals, and would have broken kareem's career points record during the late 90s if he didn't retire 3 times and played 19 years like he was supposed to

  4. Jordan won 6 in 15 while LeBron won 4 in 19? So just ignore the other 6 finals appearances as if he was getting lost in the wash? Ignore the circumstances he faced in the finals? That's why I can't take these takes seriously. They only ever look at the surface and don't objectively look at the circumstances of each player during their careers.

  5. They are definittely top 2! I give Mu the slight edge becasue he was thet best 2wat player of the 90s and no player ever accomplished what he has in the time span he did it in! while retireing twice thats wild to me do you have to be other world type good to do what MJ did it was ridiculous!!

  6. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a Goat for basketball. Same in baseball, same in football, etc. The conversation should be top 5, one for each position. I am just tired of hearing the One Goat comparison. MJ is not better than Kareem, Kareem is not better than Chamberlain, etc, etc.


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