Road to Rank 1 | TommyKay Plays Company of Heroes 3 – Part 12

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3 thoughts on “Road to Rank 1 | TommyKay Plays Company of Heroes 3 – Part 12”

  1. Don't bother with 17 pounder, its not mobile. Build AT guns, save fuel for late game tanks and rely on your infantry to dominate early game by upgrading them with the scoped rifles while using an mg to lock down points. Don't throw nades randomly, only when it makes sense. Once you upgrade your rifles with scopes, you get flares that are free to use. Use them on cooldown to maintain vision so that your at guns can destroy bunkers and tanks in the fog of war. Speaking of at guns, build one as soon as you can and get another if you are facing a lot of tanks. That should help you hold until you get a heavy tank out. Also, with scoped rifles you can call in artillery from the base. This is useful for enemies that are grouped up. It may not damage much, but it will cause them to move which will give you an opening to push in. ALWAYS have a med truck on the front. If you can move your troops that are hurting to the truck before they die, do it. Never retreat all the way to base if it is unnecessary. You can get a med truck with the indian artillery tree that only costs manpower right now while you also get a mortar, I think it will probably be nerfed soon so take advantage while you can. Its powerful because you don't waste fuel building the truck if you go this route and the mortar isn't half bad.

    Just like COH2, the allies have to be on point to win. Put pressure on early to prevent them from getting tanks as much as you can because, once they come out, the game will be much more difficult for you. Is it balanced? Not really, but you will become the better player in the end.


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