Rippaverse Yaira Theory Crafting

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Today’s Topics: Talking about the Rippaverse and Yaira. I am having fun with the Rippaverse and the theory crafting around it.
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20 thoughts on “Rippaverse Yaira Theory Crafting”

  1. Yeah. She's waifu material. Rule 34 inbound😏.

    She's either a former girlfriend or wife, or the sister of a former girlfriend or wife of Isom.

    I'm getting Warbird (Ms. Marvel), Glory, or Wonder Woman vibes from her. She also reminds me of Sonja/Sonya from the MORTAL KOMBAT franchise.

    I am looking forward to seeing who she is, what her powers and abilities are, and what her relationship with Isom is.

  2. Sheena Brokeman is my Goth girl, and since her story started in 1996 as a teen, she'd be around 40 now. Hope you like mature big titty goth girls, Lol! I wrote a punk rock Halloween screenplay in a video game/ comic book style. Sheena gains super strength through Magick, and I'm writing my second character, Reed Noble, which picks ups where Sheena's story ends… for now!

    Yaira still sounds like a meta-human and I agree, a photon energy user, not magick, so I think I'm alright for now! Once ISOM comes out I'm sure I can tweak my story and blend it into the RIppaverse! 🧙‍♂

  3. Great theories. I do hope Yaira is on the older more mature side. Yaira and Isom are fighting on cover B so I think she is going to be more antagonist than hero (?) I think Isom's power is super speed (Eric had mentioned speed in a past video so that's my guess).

  4. Love the speculation! I havent anticipated a comic book this much in the last 20 years, and i am loving hearing others theories about the characters and their backstories! Looking forward to finally getting something fresh and original, entertainment that is free of virtue signalling, intentionally insulting, or attempting to tell me what to think!

  5. Just please don't go with something obvious like an ex or, related or, she's a super lesbo or, anything else that forces it towards the real world… The real world sucks. Please keep everything way away from realistic… That's what makes fiction awful these days. 🙄

  6. Interesting theories. I wouldnt base too much about her costume being a reflection of her wealth though. Superheores in general seem to not be overly restricted funds wise when it comes to costumes or devices. Spiderman for example, despite being constantly broke, was able to build, maintain, and repair his web shooters. Hawkeye also, even when he's not part of the Avengers and somewhat broke always seems to have enough money to get or make some very high tech arrows. i am still trying to figure out how Professor X was able to build and maintain the mansion, blackbird, danger room, & cerebro despite not having a corporation behind him like Iron Man or Batman does.

  7. The person Isom has a past with between Santwan, Yaira and the Alphacore is Santwan. Eric has this to say about Isom and Santwan's past in the story summary on the campaign website: "A man built like a tank by the name of Santwan reappears and he’s had previous confrontation with Avery." So Isom's past with one of the three that Eric hints at in the trailer is spelled out specifically in the story summary on the website.

  8. Eric said it himself that he wants newcomers and fans to theorize and debate one another on what the future holds in the Rippaverse. We are seeing the Iron Age of comics revitalizing all over again.
    My theory is that Yaira is tied to some planet far off and she came to warn Isom of the impending doom that will visit his planet soon.


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