Rimworld Mod Rundown – Vanilla Factions Expanded Pirates

In this video we do what we want ’cause a pirate is free!

0:00 Introduction
1:13 The Storyteller
8:54 The Factions
9:25 Hiring Pirates
11:05 Security Buildings
13:05 New Gear And Rum
15:25 Pirate Meme
20:08 New Scenario
22:00 Warcasket Intro
24:24 Basic Warcasket
26:34 Recon Warcasket
27:35 Marine Warcasket
28:11 Cataphract Warcasket
29:30 Aerial Warcasket
30:58 Barrage Warcasket
32:33 Hazard Warcasket
34:06 Shock Warcasket
35:47 Brute Warcasket
36:57 Controller Warcasket
38:24 Guardian Warcasket
39:34 Sarcophagus Warcasket
40:48 Siegebreaker Warcasket
41:57 Removing A Warcasket
43:20 Warcasket Weaponry
44:10 Melee Weaponry
46:20 Ranged Weaponry
58:26 Conclusion


You can download the mod for yourself through Steam here

If you’d like to see my full list of recommended mods to try, check out my Steam Collection here


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Outro music by Harris Heller (Streambeats) – Ambient Gold


49 thoughts on “Rimworld Mod Rundown – Vanilla Factions Expanded Pirates”

  1. I love combining the shock war caskets with a pond that has the skip door ability from vanilla pycast expanded so I can teleport an entire army across world seamlessly and then have him fly back by himself after the fight is done.

  2. Yeah, I very much agree that this is VE Warcaskets, it's been the one thing keeping me from permanently including it for the pirate theme that happens to be on the side. It's a nice mod, but strays quite a bit from the marketed theme.

  3. This is the first time I see the cannon work. I had this mod in every run and every mod list since it came out, but the cannon always A) costs nothing to built and B) aims forever and never gets a shot off

  4. Lorewise, Warcaskets are a side grade to Powerarmor. It is both stronger and cheaper, as the suit is just plates of armor crudely crafted onto the human body. Fine Finger control and taking the suit off goes bye bye. Your first warcasked comes a lot easier in research and crafting than your first power armor, and it is better for combat too, but your guy is now locked in forever in doing ONLY combat. As your techlevel goes up, later Powerarmor will become stronger than Warcaskets, but on the same level these rules always apply.

  5. Never mix Warcasket parts: The helmet and shoulder usually gives a buff to whatever ability the core armor has, and the parts are not different enough to justify giving up on that.
    Warcasket are usually useless, not as bad as Heavy Weapons, but the lack of quality puts them forever behind in the arms race. If you don't have a high crafting pawn, not being able to get below normal might be nice, but I would take an Excellent Assault Rifle over all of them. Taking a warcasket weapon on your first warcasket is a classic noobtrap.
    Between Speed and Protection, always take Protection. This game usually puts you on the defending side, even if you are attacking they will come to you.
    The Aerial Warcasket is the best of them all, as the weakness of all warkasted is now a strong point. Even if you are fighting long range, you can just jump from cover to cover once the enemy closes in, or bunnyhop in a group that is ganging up on you.

  6. Warcascets are a very interesting element of the mod, but they are in my opinion kind of hampered by their late availability.

    Early warcascets are honestly not that great by mid game – 106% sharp is an equivalent of a normal marine armour – by the time you get the ability to produce these on your own – normal quality marine armour is going to be exceptionally poor.

    This is the same downside with the weapons – always normal quality. The baseline stats of those weapons are good, but I'm not quite convinced they are worth loosing on quality modifiers – especially if you have access to legendary quality gear.

    The fact that these armours do not deteriorate is a good thing, but they give you somewhat false sense of security if you rely on them too much.

    The truly good warcascets starts with Barrage type – because this is the moment they start mathching the Legendary quality armour.
    The range and accuracy buff of it is just great. Wonderful choice for shooting specialists.

    Brute is the beast for any melee guy you put in it, plain and simple.

    Guardian is a good choice if you can't decide what to get, to be honest – it is a good "soldier" option if you can afford it.

    Sarcophagus a cheesy beast, but if you want to maintain its usefulness… you better have the way of restoring the body parts.

    Siegebreaker, if you can afford it, is your absolute best friend in prolonged engagements, if you need a ranged tank, basically. A good frontliner companion for you barrage warcascets.

    As for weapons – I have encountered a bug when warcascet pirate raids occasionally spawn wielding those… while not wearing warcascets – and they use them just fine. Might be a conflict with something else I use.

    As for the weapons, there are few that I find viable. But they also epitomise my issues with them. The accuracy is a persistent problem due to lack of quality modifiers.
    Warcascet autorifle is basically a higher damage, higher range charge rifle – basic weapon, but a good one… Except accuracy, which is that of a normal charge rifle.
    Shotgun is amazing for that it is.
    Charge lance is one genuinely scary weapon.
    The cannon is also deceptively dangerous in enemy hands.

    Bottom line – Warcascets are amazing IF you can enhance your pawns accuracy or if you want to go fool melee – this makes them a good choice for shooting specialists who are locked out from most of the work anyway or for brawlers. That said – their late appearance in the tech tree kind of hampers them, when you consider that normal armour of high quality can achieve similar levels of protection and higher quality crafted weapons are in general better – especially when you also consider Vanilla Expanded weapon choices – Anti Material Rifle, Charge SMG, Charge LMG and Charge Shotgun from this mod wipe the floor with most of the weapons that Warcascets have available. Siegebreaker Armour from Apparel Expanded gives you a lot of the same utility as Siegebreaker Warcascet in a more flexible form as well.
    They are amazing for flavour, and enemy pirate raids become the whole new level of challenge, which is in itself very fun indeed.

  7. I don’t know why this happened in my game, but hiring mercenaries from enemy factions is just impossible. Yes, it is logical but the problem is that you can PAY for them but no pawn will be droped on your colony.

    So be careful when hiring them, first try get 1 cheapest option for 1 day, if no one come then you know not to spend money.

    I think that is UI problem but I am not sure

  8. Once upon a time I had a pawn with the barrage armor, a casket minigun and VFE ancients perfect aim, double range, and reduced cool down. That pawn solo’d any and all raids to the point where o started a new colony because she was too OP

  9. I wonder about ice-shard damage (that served me well against Vanilla Mechanoids Enchanted from Rimwolrd of magic) against warcascets.
    Also there is something like that done to vetaran, but maimed space marines in Warhammer 40000?

  10. I really love this mod my main complaint is how underwhelming the weapons are the minigun sounds and looks amazing but its stats are abysmal when compared to a normal minigun the only one i think is actually worth taking and making is the slug thrower shotgun which just turns enemies into a fine paste as the pawn in the casket laughs


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