RimWorld False God – Ancient Curses // EP63

» False God is a RimWorld Twitch series about an egotistical xeno-anthropologist who stops studying a planet full of proto-civilizations from orbit and instead decides to walk among them as a self proclaimed god. The focus of this series will be building up the legacy of Amun-Ra, prioritized over combat and survival. Characters in this series will be raffled off to Twitch subscribers.

» Here’s the link to the rules, goals, lore and ideology: https://bit.ly/FalseGodDetailsUpdated

» Here’s the link to the steam collection of the mods: https://bit.ly/FalseGodModlist

» Here’s the link to the save game file: https://rhadamant.com/shared-files/

» Viewer Driven Content
Viewers will be able to help influence the direction and vote on how certain situations are handled. If you would like to influence the direction of this series I welcome you to join me on stream. This series is streamed live on https://twitch.tv/rhadamant5186

» RimWorld False God Playlist: https://bit.ly/RimWorldFalseGod

If you would like to join my community please consider visiting my website or joining discord! If you’d like to support me as a content creator Patreon always helps as well.

Website (Schedule, Countdown Timer to streams, links, resources):

Discord (Gaming community):

Patreon (To support me directly):

#RimWorld #Ideology #Egypt #God #Roleplaying #Mythology #Lore #Twitch #Rhadamant


8 thoughts on “RimWorld False God – Ancient Curses // EP63”

  1. 23:55 JUST as you mention it, they betray you! Man, streamer luck. When it's good, it's good, but when it's bad, HOO BOY! Paralyzed prisoners getting up to make a jailbreak, sapper raid, toxic fallout, oof. I mean, MAYBE you can roleplay the betrayal as repercussions for the already bad mood being aggravated by one of them getting killed, but wow, the rest of that stuff… brutal. I'm going to assume that in an upcoming episode there's an insect attack. But Macho really took that work drive to heart! Even when the work is fighting prisoners, he's giving 110% and smashing out their torsos. Good deal snagging Black, though. Get those farmer roles filled, because it seems pretty hard to find a decent one.


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