Richard Marles is ‘too cute by half’ for denying sending a warship to Red Sea

Nationals Senate Leader Bridget McKenzie says Defence Minister Richard Marles is “too cute by half” for denying to send a warship to the Red Sea.

Ms McKenzie sat with Sky News Australia to discuss the government declining the US’ request to send a warship to the Red Sea to fight against Houthi rebels.

“The minister’s too cute by half by saying a ‘tripling’ of our effort – which is in effect an additional six people, that just is quite an inadequate response and I think as an Opposition we’ve been calling that out,” she said.

“We don’t think that if China’s saying our response is a good thing, it actually shows that it probably isn’t the right decision.

“If there is a capability issue with us being able to response with frigates, etcetera, if there is, then the minister needs to be upfront about that rather than hiding behind ‘strategic need’ in the region.”


19 thoughts on “Richard Marles is ‘too cute by half’ for denying sending a warship to Red Sea”

  1. It's amazing how many people suddenly care about women and children especially when everyone knows what chyna have been up to for the past 10 or so years. Hey the same people don't even care about kids suffering here in their own country but ohhh now it's all about Palestinian kids yeah like you lot actually care. Virtue signalling at its finest by the typical 3,2,1 ⬇️ incoming from morrow and pelle and co.

  2. Reduced to a minority government of Tasmania and the Robodebt right wing conservatives send in the sports rorts queen to attack the most popular ALP government in modern Australian history..
    Federal government = ALP
    NSW = ALP
    QLD = ALP
    NT = ALP
    WA = ALP
    SA = ALP
    VIC = ALP
    ACT = ALP

    When nothing changes
    Nothing changes……👍


  3. 4 rising to 16, the terrorists will be pooing their pants. The ones pooping pants will be the poor ones sent over. What could they possibly have done to deserve such a fate?, why even bother, let alone skite about what a wonderful contribution it is. What planet does this clown think the Australian public come from.

  4. Wouldnt be fantastic if pollies just shut the fu.k up and let the side thats in do its job, we can all remember the mistakes made ny parties on both sides and nothing makes a poliie look like a dipshit when she goes on air bagging the crap outa the current government but hasnt the brain power to think Australia hasnt forgotten her bs from the last term…amasing memories


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