Review | Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition [4K]

Another entry in our ever-continuing Game Pass backlog, here is our review for Hollow Knight, a game so many called a masterpiece at launch.

Written, Video Edited & Narrated By: Jesse Norris

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13 thoughts on “Review | Hollow Knight: Voidheart Edition [4K]”

  1. I'm quite surprised at your criticisms. I consider Hollow Knight to be a very flawed masterpiece, but I find those flaws to be in mostly different areas than you.

    I finished Hollow Knight with around 25 hours clocked in, so the idea that it takes upwards of ten hours for the game to get going is baffling to me. Hollow Knight's strength in exploration is how much the game rewards experimenting with different locations and how many different routes the player has open to them. Most areas have multiple entrances that open up at different times during the game, some even extremely early. I don't know how you played the game, but I feel you somehow must have gotten the worst possible experience to deem the game so slow to start. The game branches out heavily after the first three areas, and there's little to no chance that they take nearly as long as what this video indicated.

    Furthermore, you critique the game's exploration for being like "wandering through the dark, trying to figure out if you had already been there". This is fine, except that the map that you critique for only opening up after you've been through an area tells you exactly that. Your map shows if there is a path you have not taken, much like in Ori. I find these two criticisms to be contradictory. I also think the issue with the map is extremely exaggerated here, but that's besides the point. Hollow Knight is build on the wonder of the unknown, and the design reflects that.

    The critique that I couldn't agree with more is the issue of the runbacks. This game has some of the most atrocious runbacks in any game ever, and I am glad you highlighted them. I slightly disagree on the praise given to the bosses, as while the majority range from good to top of the industry, there are absolute stinkers thrown in for whatever reason.

  2. I don't really get the part about long runbacks. i mean, the longest I can think of is soul master, possibly mantis lords but even they are quite short imo.
    Unless of course you want to count abs rad

  3. I personally found the map system and how it nudges the player to explore the wonderful world team cherry has built to be amazing and very fitting for the game and have found it to be very much praised among fans who enjoyed Hollow Knight. from your words it seems like exploration in games just isnt your thing and thats okay! I personally dont see it as a flaw but a characteristic that not everyone may appreciate.

    Hollow knight is a game that demands you to spend a lot of time with it and get to know it through and through and for someone like me that is perfect, and i see why it may not have been that way for others. I agree with corpse runs sometimes being annoying though and that the first half of the game could have been made slightly more exciting, those criticisms are completely valid!

  4. This was my first Metroidvania and quickly became my favorite game of all time.
    I loved that the game dosn't hold your hand, and lets the player use their brain and figure things out for themself.
    I was quite interested in some of your critisisms since some of them were actually some of my favorite parts of the game, specifically the map system.

    I loved that in order to aquire the map you have to go into a new area compleatly blind, maybe its because i'm tired of AAA games nowadays that always have a seemingly endless supply of objective markers to go to. But it made going into a new area with practicly 0 knowlage of what i'm getting myself into so fun and refreshing. And then (and maybe this will sound silly but) having to make my map all on my own even after I found it made me feel sort of like I was really charting this great forgotten kingdom.

    I wanted to make a couple other criticism's but
    1. I don't wanna be a jerk say that a bunch of my opinions go against yours when (at the end of the day) there just opinions.
    2. I'm super ADHD so that tiny paragaph took me (no joke) around half an hour to write and I really don't feel like spending another.

    Still good job on the video. It was really well made.

  5. I feel as if you disregarded the main point of hollow knight, which is that it is designed to alienate you from its environment. Why should you get a fully fledged map or easy access checkpoints or fast travel? That’s why I love it so much


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