Rev. Al Sharpton delivers the eulogy at Tyre Nichols' funeral | ABC News

Rev. Al Sharpton delivers the eulogy at Tyre Nichols’ funeral in Memphis, Tennessee.


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33 thoughts on “Rev. Al Sharpton delivers the eulogy at Tyre Nichols' funeral | ABC News”

  1. He`s now advocating `Stop and search` here in the UK.
    This is to stop the police stopping/searching of knife carrying black drug gangs and stabbing their bro`s.
    That`s the only good thing, unlike the US they carry knives rather than guns.

  2. If anyone in this thread leaving comments believe that a culture of people, that are allergic to the sun have any power over them, is willing to be enslaved for another 400 years. Racism is a weapon that can be yielded with deadly accuracy, best used by individuals against the same culture/race (internal control). A sane person understand that you can't systematically murder 150M Native Americans without individuals within the tribes helping. There has always been war amongst Tribal members, dating back to ancient Israel. The Sicarri understood that and realized they had to burn the grain silos in order to make Israelites fight. Isolated sectors of wealth within the "Black" communities that are not speaking up about economic wealth for an entire class of people should be targeted.

    Of course, it's hard to believe that the "dominant class" are only foot soldiers for individuals that are supposed to be oppressed. US Generals also know the truth about teaching CRT. If taught accurately, accompanied with reparations, the truth of internal control would be revealed. Furthermore, a nation built on a graveyard can be resurrected. – Ephesians 6:12

  3. This speech and the ignorant energy surrounding it is literally so sad and disappointing. Sharpton doesn’t even know know the guy’s name or age…and everyone is just blindly hyping him up… 😐

  4. He's not a minister he's going to try to drags some kind of money… and he twisted this scripture… he mentioned what he often does… exactly he will squeeze every penny out of this … he is a liar and a thief

  5. This is WONDERFUL!!! I’m excited for him and the family and I can’t wait to see it in theaters 🎭! I’ve been a Michael Jackson, Janet Jackson, and Jackson family fan since birth and I truly miss and love ❤️ Michael Jackson so much! As much as I love and have tried to see him in concert I’ve never had that opportunity growing up because there was always something standing in the way of my parents getting tickets! So I have never missed a Janet Jackson concert ever!!!!

  6. No disrespect,we as people must have a better mindset, quit begging for for Justice and make justice,I am 69yrars The more things change the more they stay the same! The more we try to change this country the more it stays the same, until all racist people are gone, it's going to be that way no matter what you do you can pray all you want. You can march all you want, Don't get what I'm going to say is wrong , black folk got religion all wrong, Accord to Christianity. God is the god of the living not of the dead, The power should be don't value our lives and we don't value our lives to stop killing one another, me but that's another subject, feeling bad for that young man and his family is not going to get it done, oh heads and new heads got to have a new mindset of intellectual awareness, it's no mystery of the history of this country Hope for the best.


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