Return to Monkey Island Nintendo Switch Review – Is It Worth It?

ARGhhhh ya ready kids?

Review Written by Roland Ingram:

Video by Felix Sanchez:

Return to Monkey Island is available now on Nintendo Switch!

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35 thoughts on “Return to Monkey Island Nintendo Switch Review – Is It Worth It?”

  1. On the quality settings –

    Probably an artifact of being developed for PC then ported to Switch, but also Switch games tens to have different settings for performance for Docked, unlocked modes, and now we have Lite, Standard, and OLED editions.

  2. Hello fellow chum.
    This game ticks so many boxes, funny, witty, whimsical, decent puzzles, so many call backs and in jokes. Two difficulty levels.
    Only gripe is that once you leave 7 trivia cards unanswered, they stop spawning.

  3. This sounds really good, but are some of the puzzles obtuse? I’m just wondering if they really went with bizarro solutions like in the glory days of point-and-click games of old.

  4. I'm glad Return to Monkey Island was enjoyable for Felix who'd never played the earlier ones – I grew up on this series since the 90s and the plot points of the first few are second nature. Lucasfilm Games definitely missed a chance to port over the Special Editions of 1 and 2, that would've been a great bundle experience.

  5. Secret of the Monkey Island and LeChuck’s Revenge were among the best “point & click” adventure games ever created (side by side with Maniac Mansion and Zack McKraken and the Alien Mindbenders)… I LOVED THEM ALL! And I really hope that this new (old) Return to Monkey Island is INDEED a very good game, BUT GOOD LORD! IHATE this art style!!! Sorry folks, if you are not with me in this, but I find it AWFULLY AWFUL!

  6. Hope you enjoy going through the old ones. 1 and 2 are classics (2 being one of my favourite games of all time), 3 is also a classic though you can tell the team and direction changed a lot and it's a slight notch below.

  7. I gotta stand up for Curse of Monkey Island here. One of my favorite games of all time that absolutely captured the spirit of the first two, even without Ron Gilbert. Plus it looked, and especially sounded, fantastic.

  8. Game is fantastic as me growing up completing the first 2. Mega monkey mode on second on the amiga as well.
    I don't like the addition of the tip book i didn't use it that's just a way to ruin the game.

    It took me 18 hours to complete the game on hard mode finding all trivia cards on the pc the pc version is slightly different on certain puzzles. He needs to make more I never played past the 3rd monkey island as they are garbage

  9. Just made a full playthrough in <8h. It is a nice game, but so very flawed in the way you have to solve it in a certain order which drives me mad. It is so static, especially when we are used to Witcher 3. It is impossible to solve quest before they are given and then only in the order Devs want to. There are only a few exceptions of it. Nostalgia in is purest form but only a 7 out of 10 in real 2022 score. Soundtrack 8.5 out of 10. I know everyone will give it a +3 for Childhood memory, me too for a 10/10.

  10. I grew up with Curse and Escape, I later played Secret and 2 when I was much older. Love this game so much, I really hope they make more and point and clicks come back in force. Also I think Escape needs a re-do.

  11. я считаю что справедливо мистера Гилберта отстранили от работы над 3й частью серии. Он доказал мой вывод данной бесвкусицей/
    I think it's fair that Mr. Gilbert was suspended from working on the 3rd part of MI. He proved my conclusion to this bad taste thing.

  12. Ooh, it's a Felix review. That means that it's gonna be very, very quiet. I enjoy everything you're doing Felix, you're a good addition to this team, but your vids are soooo quiet. If you could find a way to up the volume to a more normal/typical level, that would be nice.


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