Retired NASA Specialist Whistleblows on Covert Lunar Base Construction Project

@ancientsecretdiscoveries Join retired NASA Specialist Ken Johnston as he explores the lunar mysteries. Unveil the hidden secrets of the Moon, including massive structures unseen by Earth’s telescopes. Johnston presents visual evidence and whistleblower accounts, shedding light on ‘Project Horizon’—a covert lunar base construction project.

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37 thoughts on “Retired NASA Specialist Whistleblows on Covert Lunar Base Construction Project”

  1. Follow this link to watch more than 200 episodes of Cosmic Disclosure, and also discover Gaia’s extensive video library of Original Shows, Films & Documentaries, and other GaiaSphere Premium Events, covering topics such as; extraterrestrial evidence & modern abduction stories, conspiracy theories, and explorations of the non-terrestrial agenda… You can also find personal growth topics and much much more!

  2. If You Are Lucky Enough To Actually Own An Actual Fully Working Brain With " Critical Thinking Skills ", And You Were Taught How To Utilize It Properly, Then ⁣This Brain Teaser Is For You To Consider And Ponder On . . .

    What If ?

    We Are All Inside A Grand In Physical Scale Wondrous Magnificent Complexsive Gigantic To Us Sealed 1 / 2 Spherical Aquarium / Terrarium Biodome Complex Construct Cyclical Machine, And No Bipedal Human Has Ever Left This Complex To Go Anywhere Near The Supposed Moon, And The The Antikythera Mechanism Was Created By The Creators Of This Deliberately Constructed Realm For Them, And For The Upper Intelligent Casts Of Trained Human Beings In The Priest Casts And Rulers To Use To Chart And Program What's Seen Above Everyone, Being That It Is A Gigantic And Vast In Titanic Scale To Us Mechanism Or Machine Of Which Everything And Everyone Is Within ?

    The "Firmament" Is The Incredibly Massive & Expansive And Vast Either Solid Structured Or Solid To Everything And Everyone Below It Energy Dome Covering This Incredibly Massive & Expansive Vast In Size And Scale Constructed Complex Cyclical Machine . . .

    The Only Way Our Species Can Leave This Complex Is When The Creators Of This Complex, And Their Workers Come Inside Here And Extract Us For Their Experiments, Then Bring Us Back Inside Here To Monitor Us . . .

    No Bipedal Human Being Can Leave This Sealed Realm Here, And Nothing Human Made Can Leave Here Either, So There Are No $atellites Or Any Other Human Being Constructed Supposed $pacecraft Or $pace Tech Up There Above Us In Supposed $pace, Because $pace, Or Outer $pace Doesn't Exist For Us Here, And $atellites Are Actually Tethered Below Very High Floating Large Helium Filled Balloons Which Are Launched From The Northern Regions In Canada And The Surrounding Areas, And Down In Faux Antarctica Where No Civilian Human Being Can Watch Them Being Assembled, Then Tethered To The Undersides Of The Large Helium Balloons And Launched From There . . .

    Every Supposed Picture Of Any, And All Of The Supposed Planets, And The Sun Are All CGI Or Computer Generated Graphics, Drawings And Paintings Done By Paid NA$A Workers And $ub-Contractors, And There Is Not 1 Actual Real Picture Of This Supposed Spherical Earth Planet Because None Exists, But Only Photo $hopped Pictures And Paintings And CGI Renderings . . .

    Bipedal Humans Are Not In The Fossil Record Of This Realm So We Are Not Originally From Here And Were / Are A Genetically Created Species By The Aessir, aka The Anunnaki, And The Memnir Some 470.000 + / – Years Ago As Their Slaves, Servants And Underground Diggers For Gold For Them . . .

    The Human Being Race Is, Or Are Their Direct Descendants, And NA$A Lies All The Time About Everything . . .

  3. Forgot totally about this. as Image was an every week Number 1 new title, or a half dozen … so I naturally bought them all. I was. 11-13 and my family lived on Key West (NAVY dad, brat kids) but there was not a comic shop. So we could out where the dude was. He would take our orders, drive weekly to Miami, get this massive haul, and a ton of those publishers order books bagged with promo cards, and that was how we got our early 90s comics. Watching the video, brought that back to me. Good times out in front of the movie theater in a strip mall parking lot.

  4. As far as the radio broadcast of a alien invasion in our past if they would have talked about aliens that have been fine but when you say there's an invasion of any kind people will panic so that's a bad excuse.

  5. These are great videos but we need some new stuff I can only speak for myself but I've seen hundreds and hundreds of the older stuff and it would be nice to get something more up-to-date.

  6. If a person views a old video and it sparks a idea towards further investigation by new eyes, new people, wouldnt that be the goal. We are held in the dark due to those who have evidence sitting in fear for their lives and familys lives. I say bring on everything over and over. Or keep sitting in the upper levels screaming "boooo wheres something new" causing people to lose interest. LOL

  7. Sooooo many mysteries no answers ….. that in itself requires deep searching and investigation – how , who, why is there such a successful program to conceal all this anomalies and phenomena – I say successful because that is exactly what it is –

  8. Sigh. oh gaia media/marketing guys, where do i even start…
    PRODUCTION VALUE : google it & familiorize yourself with the concept. then APPLY it.
    CLEAN OLD FILES : this applies to both audio (de-hiss) aswell as video (digital remaster to incr resolution to MODERN STANDARD)
    also, this lecture-FORMAT is extremely off-putting. this 40min rant is maybe 10min actual info and 30min irrelevant rambling, where the speaker tries to make himself interesting. The viewer shouldnt have to edit out all tht useless dribble, thats YOUR job as editors. if tht part confuses you, see point 1 : production value.
    and lastly, stop RE-UPLOADING the SAME CONTENT using a DIFFERENT TITLE & THUMBNAIL. This is you KNOWINGLY and DELIBERATELY misleading your subscribers, TRICKING THEM into thinking you have a lot MORE CONTENT, then what you ACTUALLY HAVE.
    This will be the last time i will offer my service to you for free (im not a charitable institution ya know) so i hope you will take this to heart, and some mild gratitude would appreciated.

  9. But I do know we have space stations throughout the galaxy. Not just on the moon. Getting video or photos is about impossible. Security is very tight. You only know your mission when you get there. And your memory is erased for the time you spent off world.

  10. Yes, this guy may be 77yo but he's all over the place and is difficult to comprehend sequentially.
    He may be telling the truth, but I just wish somebody would remake or do a professional documentary with all the salient points presented by Mr Johnston.
    Also, why are there no clear photographs on the moon?
    The cameras they carried were of very high quality and capable of providing very high definition but every photo provided as evidence is barely recognisable!


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