Resident Evil | We Can’t Drive | Netflix

We learn just how bad things are in a future run by the Umbrella Corporation.


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Resident Evil | We Can’t Drive | Netflix

Years after a viral outbreak caused a global apocalypse, Jade Wesker vows to bring down those responsible while fighting to survive against the Infected.


38 thoughts on “Resident Evil | We Can’t Drive | Netflix”

  1. I dont like this actress' facial expression.
    It speaks: "I dont give a f**k about these zombies this TV show and anything else."
    Why did they cast someone who cant show feelings, why?
    I hate this show already.

  2. Меня бесит эта черная баба, они настолько в эту расу вжились что в оригинале так много белых не показывали, а тут они во всех щелях, и позируй и в каждом кадре и в каждой жопе, то что белое должно остаться белым, также с черным, например я не вижу ГТА без черного главного героя, почему они не умеют распределять расу я не пойму, пошли они нахер

  3. Disgusting pig. Wtf is T-Virus drug?? I guess wesker did survive from lava and got his skin roast till it turn black. Wesker daughters?? I also guess he's still got time to nut some random woman like he nut another woman that give birth to his son, btw what happened to that bastard anyway?? Another failed Charlie Angel faminism. Female heroine, female evil scientis boss, dumb male characters🤡

  4. This got recommended on my netflix and I just started laughing. It pains me when anything thats not a game related to resident evil comes out. And even some of the games are iffy..

  5. That there isnt a original Albert Wesker seems to me the smalest problem with this
    Cast, Charakters, Dialogues, Musik, Story are here the MAIN PROBLEMS to me
    Im so dissapointed that they can call this Resident Evil

  6. Netflix, come on. I'm always rooting for you, but this series is so bad. I watched the whole 8 episodes, it is so dumb towards the end. Whoever wrote this, so many missed opportunities with the Resident Evil title. Jade and Billie are so dumb, I can't even… The zombies are the one carrying this whole series and they're not even around much.

    Why not make a simple story under the title? Like how Resident Evil: Outbreak game is like. Pick a character that is not a teenager. Don't try to appeal towards teenagers with a Disney Channel-Euphoria drama mindset.

  7. Resident evil: Diversity for diversities sake. Garbage show. Love Lance, and he fits the role as a person, but Wesker has had a consistent look for more then 20 years.

  8. As a fan of resident evil games, this is by far the worst of all resident evil adaptation. the only reason i'm watching is because of the title =_=. To think that that i was looking forward for months until the release, this is truly a let down. 1/5 rating but do watch the series cuz all that involves in the series gotta eat somehow. including the zombies.

  9. No wonder Netflix is in trouble. Why do they keep green-lighting such hot garbage? Fake ass Resident Evil. This is just a piece of crap show with Resident Evil name slapped on it.

  10. watched this recently, absolutely garbage, leave the political/cultural/same sex/covid/woke events issues obvious stuff out of resident evil, it absolutely has no place in this, and getting slammed into a car by how many tonnes of caterpillar head first would be death and jumping off a how high wall on to a well placed car into a field of zeds which would of defo sustained leg injury, RE is not forgiving, sigh no one can get RE adaptions right shame, as people can't keep real life events issues out of these things or add their own style to it which never works and insults the resident evil name. Zombies in this look well off compared to others i have seen, the daughters thing really!! i could go on just leave it alone don't do 2nd season.


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