Republic vs Kaiserdom – Episode 8 – Dreadnought Improvement Project French Campaign

Long have the French Navy planned for this day. Long has the country nursed the ignominious defeat in the Franco-Prussian war. Well now is our time! Vive la France!

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Captain of the 1st Company: Treefrog
Veteran Sergeants: 1st Place Onion, Rui, Welshy.
Sergeants: Charles Wright, David Walter, Jackie, Twitchyknees
Veterans: Adrien Young, Sunless Sky Nova, Darth Vendar
Battle Siblings: ArtsyJohnE, Caleb Mayer, DWB001, Haytor, Jackychan97, Jeffery Labbe, Joakim B, JT Bismarck, Laszlo Szidonya, M van Dongen, nagebenfro, Patrick Connerney, Patrick Welsh, PS_Games, Tentacle Shogun, Zadrias, Good Boy 24


41 thoughts on “Republic vs Kaiserdom – Episode 8 – Dreadnought Improvement Project French Campaign”

  1. When the Eastern China naval invasion popped up, you had almost 1M tons of shipping and it required ~200K. When you say you would need just about all your battleships for that, is that because you'd need to have much more than 200K tons to have a reasonable chance at success? Just curious.

  2. Looking like a world war is brewing i thaught maybe our captain is taking on to many enemies at once but nah…. stay tuned in as next episode we see France conquer both Italy and Germany while swallowing up china lol captain becomes Emperor

  3. British admiralty in UA gets less ships and tonnage than Germany and France : Meh… Don't really care. You do you, guys !
    British admiralty in real life when a fishing boat is built in Germany or France : Quick, let's build four new battlecruisers !

  4. Ooooo re refitting , watch how pleased i'll be with re re refitting 😅
    And yeh agree about bulkheads on the Vanilla ive decided to only go many because honestly with the AI its enough …….. Still pretty new to the game and have only gone the smaller nations and over did the survivability i feel could have had more ships or not sacrificed things for the max .

  5. 30:40 lol only new but yeh this game thinking "there's nothing going on is cursing yourself in this game as you spend the next 5 years in all kinds of wars for no apprent reason and they stop just as mysteriously …….. Wouldnt change it though

  6. Pacific Islander Pirate Regime Defeated!

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 21 February 1909

    The prirate regime in Nukuʻalofa has been defeated by the Fusiliers Marins with the support of the Flotte d'Extrême-Orient led by the Bretagne, lead of her Cuirassé du 2ème rang class, and Vaisseau amiral of Flotte d'Extrême-Orient at the Fort Bayard Base navale régionale in Kwang-Chou-Wan, with the Bruix, lead of her Croiseur Cuirassés class, the La Motte-Picquet, lead of her Croiseur Léger class, the Tricolore class Croiseur Léger Tage, and the Aspirant Herber class Destroyer torpilleur Francis Garnier.

  7. Russian Army Occupies Northern China

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 15 February 1909

    Without opposition the Russian Republic Army has walked into Northern China and taken control.

    Questions have been raised in the Chamber of Deputies by various right wing parties as to why the Corps d'Indochine has not walked into Eastern China and taken control.

    Grand-Admiral Kazimierz Smirnov opened attempted to provoke the Marine Nationale, who calmly replied that is he wanted to come out of the Baltic or Black sea we’d be happy to meet him, otherwise he should go back to hitting his families stock of vodka.

  8. Second Franco-Liberian War!

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIII, 25 November 1908

    Four Cuirassé du 2ème rang, the Bretagne class Magnanime, Vaisseau amiral from the La Rochelle Base navale principale in Charente-Maritime Department, the Gaulois class Languedoc, the Démocratie class Cuirassé Carnot, Normandie class Béarn, along with the Tonnere, lead of her Croiseur Cuirassés class and her sister ship Dévastation, the La Motte-Picquet class Croiseur Léger Magon, the Cosmao, lead of her Croiseur Léger class, and two Aspirant Herber class Destroyer torpilleur, the Lynx and the Chassuer have been sent to Monroe in Liberia to resume the war with the government there. They have failed to abide by the convention signed in April of 1898 and now a decade later the Marine Nationale, having learned its lesson in the previous war, is sending overwhelming force in the Flotte de La Rochelle and the Fusiliers Marins.

  9. Pacific Islander Piracy Rises Again!

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIII, 11 September 1908

    The new regime in Nukuʻalofa has taken to piracy, terrorism, and provocations, and naturally have attacked French commerce and interests. The Bretagne, lead of her Cuirassé du 2ème rang class, and Vaisseau amiral of Flotte d'Extrême-Orient at the Fort Bayard Base navale régionale in Kwang-Chou-Wan, with the Bruix, lead of her Croiseur Cuirassés class, the La Motte-Picquet, lead of her Croiseur Léger class, the Tricolore class Croiseur Léger Tage, and the Aspirant Herber class Destroyer torpilleur Francis Garnier have been sent to support landings by the Fusiliers Marins against the Tongan pirate regime.

  10. The Republic of China Declared

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIII, 15 July 1908

    The military forces of the Communist Republic of China Army has taken control of the smallest former province of China, the island of Penghu and its port of Magong. From there, they declare, they will retake all of China’s former territory.

    At this time a state of open war does not exist between the Republic of China and Troisième République Française.

  11. Shanghai Warlord Threatens France

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVII, 11 October 1907

    The “President of the Shanghai Republic” is again threatening the Troisième République Française, demanding that we leave, in various speeches, Hong Kong, Southern China, Formosa, and Indochina. We suppose he imagines that he will be able to administer and protect these territories, even though he doesn’t really control anything outside of Shanghai and Hongzhou.

    At this time the government doesn’t have the resources to assign to eliminating this problem.

  12. Hong Kong Pirates Defeated

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVII, 19 July 1907

    In a short three month campaign the pirate base at Hong Kong has been suppressed, and France has taken over administration of the harbor and city. The populace has been supportive, as they can now resume commerce with the mainland.

    The Démocratie class Cuirassé du 2ème rang Rang Requin, the Cosmao class Croiseur Léger Marseillaise, and the Tricolore class Croiseur Léger Jean Bart, have been assigned to the Hong Kong Station navale.

  13. Russian Admiral Warned

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVII, 12 July 1907

    First Deputy Commander in Chief of the Russian Republic Fleet Lev Enqvist seems to be in trouble in Moscow. His modernization of the fleet has been more expansive than budgeted for by the provisional government. He has been “warned”, but about his spending, or about building an immense power base in the form of a large and modern navy.

  14. Is Germany a Threat?

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVII, 8 July 1907

    When pressed to respond to the foreign policy of the Deutsches Kaiserreich the Premier amiral de France expressed the opinion that Germany’s government in Berlin is being quite reasonable.

  15. Soviet Government Collapese

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVII, 16 June 1907

    Unstable from the start, and unable to end the war with the Empire of Japan, though the Soviet Union secured the province of Xinjiang, they have not lasted. A counter-revolutionary force has taken control, and the Russian Republic declared.

    As of now the Russian Republic is still at war with the Empire of Japan, and still engaging in colonialism in Asia, attacking the province of Mongolia.

  16. Corps Afrique Begins New Campaigns

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 19 August 1909

    The Corps Afrique has begun campaigns against the German occupied territory of Dahomey and the independent North African state of Libya.

  17. Strike on Benghazi

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 17 August 1909

    The Flotte de La Rochelle, consisting of five Cuirassé du 2ème rang, the Bretagne class Magnanime, Vaisseau amiral from the La Rochelle Base navale principale in Charente-Maritime Department, the Gaulois class Languedoc, the Démocratie class Cuirassé Carnot, Normandie class Béarn, and the Indomptable class Belliqueuse, along with the Tonnere, lead of her Croiseur Cuirassés class and her sister ship Dévastation, the La Motte-Picquet class Croiseur Léger Magon, the Cosmao, lead of her Croiseur Léger class, and two Aspirant Herber class Destroyer torpilleur, the Lynx and the Chassuer have hit the port of Benghazi while five Navires de transport lay at anchor. However only minor damage to the port was done and the five Navires de transport were not sunk.

    Losses this month on the ground were 342 Fusiliers Marins to 137 German defenders.

  18. Italy Declares War on France

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 11 August 1909

    The diplomatic break down in this is interesting.

    The Troisième République Française has the support of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Russian Republic, Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie, and the Empire of Japan.

    The Regno d'Italia as the support of the Deutsches Kaiserreich, the United States of America, the Reino de España, and the Communist Republic of China. Apparently the closer you are to Germany and Italy the less likely you are to support them.

    The Regno d'Italia has formally declared war on the Troisième République Française.

  19. Italians Aggressive about French Navy in Central Med

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 6 August 1909

    Despite the best efforts of Grande ammiraglio Luizi Hazon of the Regia Marina the Regno d'Italia

    Has chosen to involve itself in the war between Germany and France. They have demanded that the Flotte de Marseille and the Flotte de La Rochelle cease supporting the invasion of Cyrenaica and return to French waters.

    We of course can’t have the Italians dictate the scope of our operations against the Deutsches Kaiserreich.

  20. Army Moving Against Southern Germany

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 18 July 1909

    The Armée de France métropolitaine is invading Baden-Würtemburg and headed for Bavaria. They are bringing 2.95 million men to only 399 thousand Germans.

  21. Corps Afrique on the Move

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 8 July 1909

    The Corps Afrique are moving from their bases in Middle Congo and Congo Bissau towards the German occupied Congo Free State. If that can take this key province they can unlock access to all of Germany’s southern Africa territories.

  22. First Clash at La Havre!

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 19 June 1909

    The République class Cuirassé de 1er rang Vergniaud, from the Le Havre Base navale principale in Seine-Maritime Department, sortied to defend her Base when the Ägir Class German Schlachtschiff Grosser Kurfürst of the Kaiserliche Marine attempted to destroy what parts of the facility she could.

    Only over Vergniaud’s sunken hull.

    Vergniaud sighted Grosser Kurfürst to the south-west with the setting sun to the German’s port. Both sides opened fire, with 320mm shells leaving Vergniaud and 256.5mm shells coming back. Grosser Kurfürst got the firs hit, but the damage was minor. These minor hits must have frustrated the Kapitan of the Grosser Kurfürst because he turned her towards Vergniaud and began to close. The Ägir class has its eight twin 256.5mm gun turrets mounted fore, aft, and three per side, with one pointless 183.1mm twin turret mounted aft to fire over the main battery. Closing as he was at such an acute angle the Kapitan was not able to take advantage of all the guns in his broadside.

    As Grosser Kurfürst closed she began to get more hits, even flooding Vergniaud forward. But Vergniaud’s 155mm guns came into play, and their high explosive hits, added to the armor piercing shells of the 320mm guns began to give Vergniaud the edge. Grosser Kurfürst was flooding forward as well. Vergniaud launched torpedoes at Grosser Kurfürst before the Schlachtschiff had a chance to launch back. As the battle continued the bulkhead on Vergniaud broke and her flooding started to fill anther compartment heading amidships. Grosser Kurfürst however was flooded totally in two compartments with two more filling. But when Vergniaud took flooding hits aft and began to list the Capitaine de vaisseu ordered his ship to break away from the battle. As the ship turned however the gunnery officers were able to fire one more salvo and the torpedo officers able to launch their second spread of torpedoes. Grosser Kurfürst sank as the torpedoes came screaming past her bow, going down with 1150 of her 1292 man crew. 142 survivors were picked up in the Channel. Vergniaud took 303 casualties out of a crew of 1689.

  23. Germany Declares War on Japan

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 6 June 1909

    The Deutsches Kaiserreich has declared war on the Empire of Japan. Apparently the Empire of Japan has told the Empire of Germany in no uncertain terms to cease their attempts to make territorial gains in the lawless warlord controlled territories of China.

    The Empire of Japan has the diplomatic support of the Troisième République Française.

    The Deutsches Kaiserreich has the support of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, United States of America, the Russian Republic, the Regno d'Italia, the Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie, the Reino de España, and rather surprisingly, the Communist Republic of China.

  24. Germany Declares War on France

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 17 May 1909

    The Deutsches Kaiserreich has declared war on the Troisième République Française. The total absurdity of their complaints is shown by the fact that the Troisième République has the diplomatic support of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the United States of America, the Russian Republic, the Österreichisch-Ungarische Monarchie, and the Empire of Japan. The justice of our case is so compelling that even as the Empire of Japan drove the Russian Republic off the Islands of Okinawa both countries still support us.

    The Deutsches Kaiserreich has the support of the Regno d'Italia, the Reino de España, and the struggling and anemic Republic of China.

    The Italian government’s siding with Germany is more remarkable as Grande ammiraglio Luizi Hazon of the Regia Marina, who has visited France and been most complementary, is apparently still trying to avoid a direct conflict between our two countries. This may of course simply be because he realizes that the Regia Marina needs to complete and commission their first two modern Cuirassés de 1er Rang before any direct confrontation. Not that two is enough.

    The Flotte de La Rochelle has been sent into the Mediterranean Sea. The whole of the Marine Nationale has been put on alert, as has the Armée de Terre.

  25. Germany Losses Statesman to Assassination, Blames Us

    Le Républicain Provence, Marseille

    MCMVIX, 8 May 1909

    The Deutsches Kaiserreich, always a hotbed for political violence, has lost one of its elder statesman to assassination. In their heated imaginations, they had decided that France is responsible. Therefore Berlin has sent a note to the Troisième République Française demanding monetary concessions to forget a crime we certainly did not commit.

    This accusation follows on the heels of Großadmiral of the Kaiserliche Marine making provocative statements about the Marine Nationale and exercises conducted by the Flotte de La Harve in the North Sea he found unnerving.

    The government in Paris has shown some spine and totally rejected the Boche’s demands.

  26. I'd want to point out that at some point when refitting the Tricolore class the Refit Time went back from 3 months to 2 months when you put something new on the ship, so replacing something somehow cut the time needed to replace everything else


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