Replay! Total Solar Eclipse 2024 in North America #totalsolareclipse #totality

On Monday, April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse came to North America. Total solar eclipse 2024 thrills millions across North America:

Exactly six years, seven months and 18 days after the same type of solar eclipse crossed the U.S. from Oregon through South Carolina on August 21, 2017, this much longer event will be visible from within a narrow path of totality through Mexico, the U.S. and Canada, according to NASA.

Broadcast courtesy: NASA


34 thoughts on “Replay! Total Solar Eclipse 2024 in North America #totalsolareclipse #totality”

  1. A year ago I witnessed totality in the little town that I live in Australia. It was the most spectacula, trippy, beautiful sight that I seen in my life. Tears came out. Emotions hard to put it in words

  2. Aint no way the moon is that much perfect shape💀
    Not to be rude
    And I’m sad that I couldn’t get to see it bc I’m in Malaysia
    These eclipse’s happen every 375 Years so this is a lifetime seeing

  3. Dwayne chéri je t'adore mon ange
    Love so Space with u chéri
    Solar Eclipse in North America is so amazing so brillant so fascinating and always so moving so emmotionel Dwayne Elliot chéri Like u mon amour …

  4. what are the chances? the moon is so much smaller than the sun and so much closer but then for a few moments they not only appear to be the exact same size but perfectly overlap. I believe it is a reminder not only of how awesome the universe is but how wonderful God is as well.

  5. " The return of christ" is not about Jesus reincarnating. The return of christ ( conciousness) are the ascenscion of the whole humanity to 5D When he reincarnated he wouldn't have the same name. The trauma experienced with Jesus' life is a past life in which he was trying to teach humanity what we are able to do if we believe.


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