Remote Control Taxi Tests in Vegas; Ram Launches Its 1st EV – Autoline Daily 3727

Autoline reports breaking global car news, with great insight and analysis. Also, top auto executive interviews. We cover electric vehicles (EV), autonomous vechicles (AV) and internal combustion engine technology (ICE), as well as car sales & financial earnings snd new car reviews.

0:00 U.S. Car Inventory to Continue to Rise
0:44 BYD & SAIC Expand Shipping Fleets
1:49 Waymo Robotaxi Expected to Debut This Year
3:11 Stellantis Expands EU Recycling Business
4:12 Unique Autonomous Service Launched In Las Vegas
5:15 Ram Introduces New ProMaster EV
6:04 Stellantis Executive Change Correction

Story Links:
– U.S. Inventory Recovering:

– BYD Car Ship:

– SAIC Wants More Car Ships:

– Waymo Robotaxi Making Progress:

– Stellantis Expands EU Car Recycling:

– Remote Control Taxi from Vay:

– Ram ProMaster EV:

– To read the transcript for today’s show click here:



23 thoughts on “Remote Control Taxi Tests in Vegas; Ram Launches Its 1st EV – Autoline Daily 3727”

  1. We sure don’t need any more China products showing up here enough already. So how does the electric van work in a commercial setting it is targeted for in cold weather places like Chicago today

  2. This Chinese invasion is kind of silly. US and Europeans should stop these cars at the border and require Chinese auto companies to develop JVs with indigenous car companies in order to sell cars in these foreign countries.

  3. Most people have no idea that when these shipping fleets are operational, China can ship a car to California for far less money than Detroit can ship a car to California. No Teamsters union on the high seas… China is going to clobber both European and US firms. We are going to see a world of hurt as reasonably priced Chinese products sweep the middle and emerging markets. With global factory capacity approx. double the world demand, a bloodbath is going to happen by 2030. Going to be a lot of dead or "zombie" companies by then.

    And how about as an industry they stamp out the bogus "delivery fee" and "signing fee" that are tacked onto the MSRP. I hate these quotation systems that show an MSRP only to add 2k at the end. Seems dishonest, and the FTC should crack down on this.

  4. Coldest 3 days of the year broke Texas in the past, and are wreaking havoc in Chicago especially on EV's. In Norway it's cold way more often and they keep buying EV's… Are Americans EV's built differently or just not prepared?

  5. ICE rsales reached its peak when GM sold 10M cars. The number has been decreasing since 2018. They will never reach pre pandemic numbers and there is a single reason. EV sales, In the US alone ev sales reached 1.2 M vehicles; that is 1.2 M less ICE car sales.during 2023. Now for 2024 there will be more ev models to choose, incentives, more infrastructure an even lower prices, while the ICE cars will raise in price for 4 years in a row. and at least 1.68 M ev sales for 2024


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