Rebels Target Railroad Lines in Kherson!

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48 thoughts on “Rebels Target Railroad Lines in Kherson!”

  1. Unfortunately, depending on where the rails were laid, tracks can be repaired in less than a couple of days (provided the materials and equipment are available).

  2. Sometimes I think Suchomimus throws out suchlike videos just to stir up the community, putting the cat amongst the pigeons in the comments section! Worked a treat this time, nothing like blowing up railroad lines to bring out the dormant partisans in us all!
    Side note; could be a really good Mythbusters episode, testing the various ways (described in the comments) to blow up or otherwise disrupt rail traffic. Filmed on location of course!

  3. I don't know why ukraine isn't blowing up locomotives like tanks. That's really how they can stall this rail operation. With 42 years of railroad experience running locomotives in tranportation, when you lose loco power it thows off all logistics big time. Can't haul the loads and also can"t bring back the empties to reload either.

  4. Suchomimus – there is a video shown yesterday (by the Sun) appearing to show a Stormer HVM being hit by a Lancet suicide drone. Lots of speculation in the comments but it would be interesting to hear your take on it. In particular, why do the Ukraines place these valuable assets in the middle of open fields with seemingly no protection from the Lancets given that even simple camoflage netting could be effective?

  5. I have no idea how Russia can handle any logistics. They don't have the manpower to police and occupy the territory they hold. Slashing tires to putting things in their drinks in restaurants. There is lots of nasty stuff going on in addition to railway explosions.

  6. As Fire Angel pointed out, rail lines are really easy to repair. Rail bridges are a different story, and if you can detonate the tracks as a train passes over them, obviously a much bigger delay is achieved.

  7. An attack of this scale will have negligent results on railroads. The OSS did extensive testing on railroads to determine the minimum damage required to put one out of action, and an explosion of that size probably didn't even take out enough track to stop a single train.

    You have to devastate a railroad to put it out of action. It isn't a runway or a road.

  8. This was a waste of partisan time and money. That will be repaired in less than a day. Though based on how small that explosion was, I doubt the rail itself sustained any damage so maybe even just 6-12hrs to bring a few rail lumbers out and pat the rockets back under.

  9. Why advertise this before their work actually serves its intended purpose?
    You’d think they’d take that section of rail out and then hide/disguise the track or whatever so that it doesn’t alert the train operator driving the weapons… πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

  10. Perhaps replacing track sections with cleverly painted softwood tracks. It would take longer to remove a derailed train especially if it's on its side and the cars crumple up like an acordain. Extra bonus if it's loaded with military equipment.

  11. Track can be quickly repaired, it would be better to place a mine or IED, taking out a loaded train that is doing any speed will tear up a lot more track, besides destroying the train.

  12. unless they sniped the repair crew later, it would probably only cause a small disruption
    maybe 10 ties, about 30 feet of rail and a crater in the ballast, couple hours and it'd be fixed

    do a bridge or blow the frog on a switch, much longer to repair

  13. Like how the secret service left hidden explosives and weapons scattered about occupied territory and Ukraine hot line using telegraph as an encryption line to pass intel and get hold of weapons and instruction on how to use them. Seems very effective.

  14. Sadly, a train will cross right over a section of the track which has been blown up. It takes damaging the track a bit more to derail a train.
    With more work, blasting a rail allows for the sections on either side to be unspiked and moved with a crowbar to cause certain derailment.


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