Reaperito Hates Your i-frames | Mass Effect 3 (62)

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Intro by Remerai
Edited by Minh

#MassEffect #MassEffect3 #masseffectlegendaryedition


47 thoughts on “Reaperito Hates Your i-frames | Mass Effect 3 (62)”

  1. Congrats on Reggie for managing the peace solution and not having to choose between the quarrians and geth, was worried that the decision to brainwash the heretics would've tipped them past the point of no return. Glad that they managed to clutch out a win in that scenario. Also wow Reggie sandbagging the last bit of the reaper fight was fascinating. I remember greeding that fight super hard and only dying once or twice

  2. Sovereign was the peak of Reapers. Felt incredibly alien and incredibly beyond even fighting it

    This is the nadir of the Reapers
    You can evade his attacks by rolling and you fight him on foot. Pathetic.

  3. It's so weird seeing the Reaper talk without the "YOU AIN'T SHIT" [ORBITAL BARRAGE] prompt showing up.

    I'm also pretty sure the ladder bug is because Squadmates can get stuck trying to go down the same ladder sometimes, that's why there was a weird hitbox blocking it. Happened to me at the same ladder, the rest seem fine(?)

  4. "I must go to them"
    "I'm sorry"
    "I know"
    Legions switch to referring to himself in the first person right before the end is such a nice touch. This unit really did finally have a soul😢❤

  5. just a personal complaint, but it bugs me seeing this scene without the tali romance. its such a good scene with tali being the best waifu. its clear theyre not going to "retcon" or pray to the god asuna to fix it. and its a shame because they really missed out. but i guess it wouldn't be an experience of a first play through if they didn't lie in the bed they VERY clearly made.

  6. While I was also one of those who found it a little weird that the Geth embraced the code upgrades to make each one capable of individual function, I do think its worth considering that two things had changed their situation from Mass Effect 2:

    First, they have already crossed the Rubicon of accepting Reaper help in securing their species future. Yes it was done out of desperation, but the line is still crossed and that makes it easier to see why they might accept a "keep the benefits, jettison the Reaper control" situation.

    Second, individual function has never been on the table for Geth before. Even the Heretic Geth expected to receive a Reaper, somewhat equivalent to the Geth superstructure capable of holding all programs. The idea that they could become individually aware is an entirely new possibility that previously could not be seriously considered.

    It does hurt that uniqueness of the Geth though. Although the game doesn't go too far into exploring how much or little Geth culture actually changes, which would have been nice to get clarifications on.

  7. 37:37 Even after all my repeat playthroughs, hearing Tali's voice unfiltered always gets me choked up. Such a great scene.

    (Edit: The price to pay for peace between the Quarians and the Geth were Red's fishes. Rest easy little fishies, it's been a bash)

  8. How does woolie still not understand 'we have been on sterile ships for generations and have NO immune system? It was explained in the first game and he still dont get it? Yall… I swear im hate watching this series just because I started watching it at 1 and dont want to just stop.

  9. Man, I love Mass Effect 3 so much. For all the hate it gets, I think it does a spectacular job of escalating the story of ME1 and ME2 and giving you a bunch of satisfying conclusions to the storylines setup.


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