1,200 Scientists Declare “There is No Climate Emergency” – World Climate Declaration (WCD)

While Justin Trudeau , Steven Spielberg and other Hypocritical Climate Alarmists fly around in their private jets and tell you that you’re harming the planet with carbon, 1200 actual climate scientists gather to make a new declaration; that there is not climate emergency.

World Climate Declaration (WCD):

True North article:

#climatechange #scam #science

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43 thoughts on “1,200 Scientists Declare “There is No Climate Emergency” – World Climate Declaration (WCD)”

  1. Most already knew this, and so did the actual scientists. Only the woke goofs who believe current indoctrination fall for and push that garbage. Not to mention bullying everyone to relunctantly go along with it. What those idios are implimenting will kill the world.

  2. they blame the everyday person for climate change …yet it's the rich and famous and the huge corporations…the joke that the world is forcing electric cars that are driving climate mistakes using precious metals that are scarce and where are the mines when millions of batteries end up in land fill wind turbines oh they end up in land fill …and now they are saying wind turbines maybe turned in the future into gumming bears says it all …sweets they said ….big corporation's continue to rape the earth that they make billions from …movie stars governments continue to fly around the world in fuel guzzling jets putting penis shaped rockets into to space polluting everything they touch they use extreme power to their huge homes ..while accusing everyday people of excess carbon footprint and we are told to cut down power in our tiny homes drive less walk ride bikes catch dangerous public transport while they travel in luxury just look at Traduea's entourage and imagine governments around the world doing the same movie stars sports stars …they don't want us to plant and grow food in our gardens because it takes away from the huge corporations …we need to grow food in our gardens and share it trade it amongst ourselves cut the corporations out ….Again pfizer is being taken to court because one of their filthy products has carcinogens in its products ….l live for the day the vaccines are exposed and all those that have done harm to the world are arrested and sentenced for crime against humanity….when the truth of what the virus is and where it came from will be held accountable….we must never forget those that were murdered after being forced to take the inoculations and those that will suffer their whole lives with injury …and we still don't know the future harms …and yet the pharmaceutical companies walk away with billions … keep sending out the truth you are our future

  3. Hey Clyde- Thanks for covering this!! So important everyone see the stream of lies. Just substitute covid for climate change and we have the same playbook- eg pandemic computer modeling, and suddenly every illness is caused by covid- no more flu or such- don't look at any simple fixes- only vax- and everyone must be afraid— the same lies.
    Bring on the CO2 and lets "green" this planet puppy!! Eat kale and plankton!!! NO to bugs.(over my dead body!)

  4. I watched a video recently that BP petroleum is behind most of it, by lying to everyone blaming everyone except themselves for the climate. While secretly earning billions of dollars from the sale of petroleum, the term global footprint was invented by BP marketing teams which the video said BP has paid $250,000,000 to con the public about the lie of climate catastrophe all of which is bullshit. And the team Net Zero was also invented by BP as well it's a huge lie and scam to earn billions while conning everyone into believing we are the cause.

  5. Greta was bred for her role – to create a crisis so the elites could use it as a Trojan bourse to bring about their agenda-i don’t accept that she was used – but is in-fact part of the same cult.

  6. First two guys listed have no background remotely related to climatology. Ivar is a physicist and Guss is a former Shell engineer. He was a professor of innovation and geophysics. You’d think they’d put some strong people in the list or at least add their careers, background or link for credibility. As someone that is open to their arguments I’m always appalled at how weak they are. If anyone was open to switching I would be but I’m always catching stupidity on this side of the fence. Stop saying how many people you have on a list and start actually having names in the list that are credible. 10 good ones would be better than 1000s of terrible ones that embarrass the ideas.

  7. The main proponents of the climate change narrative are also in favor of a one world government, aka Communists. We will never see these big wigs ditch their private jets, yachts, big cars and suvs.

  8. Lord Monckton's band of scientists proved there was no man-made climate change and that the IPCCs calculations are altered to fit the narrative. This World Climate Declaration will be buried by the corrupt mainstream media and the masses will go on believing that man-made climate change is real. Things will continue to be as pathetic as ever. On the brighter side, the child-eating lizard Queen is no more…..doesn't mean human-eating lizard-Royalty isn't still a big problem though. Listen to Jeanette Archer.

  9. In fact there are 2 main problems with "climate change(s)", 1/ the GIEC was not made for pure science but only to prove that the "change(s)" are/is the result of Human activities 2/ The fact that the information are transmitted to stupid politicians who have no clue in science.

  10. It is clear that Trudeau and the WEF is using this nonsence to advance thier agenda. Its sad if people haven't seen enough with all of thier lies with the pandemic and vaccines, coming from this group of men that clearly want to play God. In Jesus name, I pray for these people because they are no match for God himself. AMEN.

  11. I can’t believe just how absolutely unequivocally disgusting our government is cashing in on it, again trying to place fear into us and riding this BS as if we don’t already fucking know the crap they’re spewing is bull shit!! Get rid of these jackass’s along with the WEF too!

    And hey, if this is based on Science By scientists wouldn’t Justin Trudeau follow this? 😂😂😂 Follow the science Justin Trudeau!!!

  12. These 1200 scientists are the same 1200 scientists that had no idea they signed the 97% climate doom consensus. There are roughly 10,000 more who still do not know they signed the 97% climate doom consensus.


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