Ready For MMR Reset In Overwatch 2 Beta?


MMR Reset + Quickplay Only: (0:00)
Skill Differential Now is HUGE: (0:25)
Different Game: (0:59)
Throwers & Smurfs Have Nothing On This: (1:56)
MMR Resets Are An Contest Topic: (2:32)
Good Or Bad Idea?: (2:52)
Will You Climb As A Result?: (3:22)
No More Auto Middle of Ladder Placements: (4:06)
Share Your Thoughts & Subscribe: (4:26)


17 thoughts on “Ready For MMR Reset In Overwatch 2 Beta?”

  1. So pretty much the same experience as the Experimental Cards. One that we've waited years on.

    Also we only have 1 new hero and the beta is starting? That's odd. Granted heroes like Orisa are pretty much completely new now.

  2. An MMR reset is a good thing in my opinion overall, it can certainly be easy to overkill by doing them to often or screwing them up, however general things about games do change over time, I have a friend who only does there placements really each season and was a Diamond player, but they absolutely aren't now and they even know it however the way MMR works in OW just lets them stay in that range forever, and on the inverse, I have had top 500 players on alt accounts/new accounts/smurf/whatever you wanna call it in my high plat games, so it's not like the game just is perfectly balanced for metal ranks anyways right now, this is a perfect time for them to try something like this.

  3. People won’t climb because of washed/undeserving masters campers having their rank reset. People will climb because the massive influx of Fortnite kids will skew the ranked distribution. The “average sr” of 2200 will represent a lower skill level than the days when only diehards played overwatch. My guess is, depending on the popularity of the game, as well as the distance a person’s current rank is from the 2200 average they will be able to expect an sr shift anywhere from 0-400.

  4. I honestly don't really care, OW mmr systems were pretty solid over the years (Excluding lately, but i blame that on the declining playerbase), so this should sort itself out relatively quickly. And I like the idea, since a lot of players could be very misplaced due to that one less tank, some of the reworks, and just not playing for a long time. The only problem I could see would be absolutely no mmr, but I hope devs don't fuck it up that much

  5. It sounds like some heroes won't feel like themselves anymore. I played a lot of Orisa, Rein, Mei, so I'm concerned that the MMR reset will disproportionately hurt me because my heroes will have such significant changes to their play-style, whereas other heroes will go almost untouched.

  6. It's not ideal, but it's necessary for the vast differences in gameplay between OW1 and OW2. Besides, it provides a chance for all the players stuck in "ELO hell" to prove themselves.

    As a tangent, I think Quick Play should have a much wider "skill window" than it currently does anyway. As long as the teams are balanced on the whole, I think mixing higher and lower ranks is a good thing. Mixing players with different skill levels exposes players to new strategies and shows them how their current strategies are exploitable. What you call farming I call a learning experience. IMO the best way to correct someone's deficits is to pit them against someone that knows how to ruthlessly exploit those deficits.

    For example, in Gold bad positioning often goes unpunished. A Cassidy standing out in the open taking potshots at a Widow well past his falloff will likely survive, and may even do enough damage to kill or at least scare off the Widow. But in Masters or above, that Widow would quickly kill the Cass every time. So by having a Masters Widow in a lobby with a Gold Cass, the Cass should quickly learn "hey, maybe I shouldn't stand in the open when there is a Widow." Mechanics take time to develop, but having a breakthrough in understanding of positioning, cooldown management, etc is the kind of epiphany that leads to sudden jumps in MMR.

    These kinds of epiphanies are rare in matches with a tighter skill window because the mistakes aren't as obvious. Instead it usually comes down to who has better mechanics, be it aim or movement. This makes players think that their mistakes are purely mechanical, and all they need to do to get to the next level is grind to improve their aim or movement.

    As for what high skill players get out of it, who doesn't like racking up kills and getting PotG? Also, they'll end up in games with players above their skill level more often too, so their flaws will be made clear as well. Only the top tier players will "farm", but even then, I argue its okay because its still just Quick Play. Top tier players typically only play QP to warm up or relax anyway, so if they frag out a little so be it.

  7. I think it's fine it's a beta who cares, people will get pub stomped try to regain their feet in the game and hopefully it'll just be a fun experience by the end of the beta.


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