Reading the Quran Chapter 10

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29 thoughts on “Reading the Quran Chapter 10”

  1. I discovered your channel…after seeing your convert video. Bless you. I will watch and learn from watching your videos. God bless, from UK. Listening to Qur'an recitation and translation gives me great healing.🙏

  2. Brother I listened to every word and I loved the way you read, I feel I could listen to the whole Quran by you, God bless you ❤️ Looking forward to hearing the next chapter 😊Salaam 🌹❤️

  3. these are the passages and arcs that contained within Chapter 10 of Qur'an :

    verse 1-2 The Makkans charge their Prophet with sorcery because he is a man from among them

    verse 3 The Creator and Ruler of the universe the only true God

    verse 4 Believers rewarded at death for good deeds

    verse 4 Unbelievers punished after death

    verse 5-6 God's works are signs to all men

    verse 7-11 Rewards and punishments of the faithful and the unbelieving

    verse 12 God's purpose in prospering the wicked

    verse 13 Men pray to God in affliction, but forget Him with the return of prosperity

    verse 14-15 The people of Makkah warned by the example of former generations

    verse 16-18 The Quraish desire a different Quran — Muhammad protests his inability to alter it

    verse 19 Idolaters trust intercessors who can neither profit nor harm them

    verse 20 All men originally professed one religion

    verse 21 The people demand of Muhammad a sign

    verse 22 When men despise the judgments of God he threatens greater suffering

    verse 23-24 Unbelievers remember God in distress by land and sea, but forget Him when delivered

    verse 25 Life likened to water which sustains vegetable life

    verse 26-28 Paradise for Muslims and hell for the infidels

    verse 29-31 Idolaters will be deserted by their gods in the judgment-day

    verse 32-37 Idolaters exhorted to worship him whom they recognise as their Creator, Preserver, and Governor

    verse 38 The Quran no forgery; it confirms the former Scriptures

    verse 39-40 Those who charge Muhammad with imposture challenged to produce a chapter like it

    verse 41 Some believe in the Quran, others reject it

    verse 42-47 The unbelieving Quraish declared to be reprobate

    verse 48 An apostle is sent to every nation

    verse 49 Unbelievers mock at the threatenings of their prophet

    verse 50 Every nation has its fixed period of existence

    verse 51-55 Infidels will believe when their punishment comes upon them

    verse 56-57 God is the Author of life and death

    verse 58-59 The Quran an admonition and direction to the unbelievers

    verse 60-61 Lawful food not to be prohibited

    verse 62 Muhammad ever under Divine guidance

    verse 63-65 The blessedness of those who believe and fear God

    verse 66-68 Unbelievers cannot harm the Prophet

    verse 69-71 Those rebuked who say that God hath begotten children

    verse 72-75 Muhammad likened to Noah and other prophets

    verse 76 Moses and Aaron sent to Pharaoh and his princes

    verse 77-82 They are rejected as sorcerers and perverters of the national religion

    verse 83 A few of the people only believe on them

    verse 84-86 Moses and Aaron with the believers put their trust in God

    verse 87 The Israelites commanded to be constant in prayer to God

    verse 88-89 Moses's prayer, that God would destroy the Egyptians, is heard

    verse 90 Pharaoh and his people drowned in the sea

    verse 90-92 He repents and is raised out of the sea for a sign to the people

    verse 93 The Israelites are provided with a habitation and blessing

    verse 94-95 Jews and Christians appealed to in confirmation of the statements of the Quran

    verse 96-98 No kind of miracle will suffice to make the reprobate believe

    verse 99-103 Infidels do not believe on Muhammad because God does not permit them to do so

    verse 104-107 The people of Makkah exhorted to accept the true orthodox faith

    verse 108 Muhammad not responsible for the faith or unbelief of the people

    verse 109 The Prophet exhorted to be patient.

    each of those sections have their own exegesis that took about 15-20 minutes if you read the whole discourse of it.

    of course to orderly pick a section from a chapter and read/talk about it in a video after another will take you longer than expected to finish the "reading the Qur'an's translation" series.

    but if you do that way, it will convey the clearer context, since the tafseer/exegesis rather sought to elucidate more compared to what the translation could achieve.

    and you could also put your 2 cents on what you have been reading afterwards. that way, you and your audiences can simultaneously learn. I'm imagining war in the comment section already.

    plus, all of that could still produce a half an hour length of video.

    so please take it into your consideration. and May Allah Grants you Jannah ❤️

  4. Masha Allah Allahummah barik lahu, brother if you can try to read the arabic first then translate in to English so its bit off both and Quran recitation gose direct in to heart without even understanding the language subhan Allah. Jazak Allah kheir brother.

  5. Verse Theme
    Surah 10. Yunus

    1-2 Al-Quran is the book of wisdom

    3-5 Allah is the One Who created this universe and He is the One Who originates the creation and repeats it

    6-10 There are signs of His manifestation in the creation of heaven, earth, sun, moon, day and night

    11-17 Behavior of the wrong doers towards Allah and His revelations

    18-20 Deities other than Allah can neither harm nor benefit you and Mankind was one nation until they invented different creeds

    21-23 Mankind call upon Allah in their sufferings but plot against Him in their happiness

    24-24 Example of this worldly life

    25-30 Allah invites you to the Home of Peace and Deities whom they worship are not even aware of their worship

    31-36 Truth about Allah vs other gods invented by the Mushrikin

    37-40 This Quran is the revelation of Allah

    41-46 Those who disbelieve in this Quran shall be the losers in the hereafter

    47-53 Every nation was sent a Rasool for their guidance

    54-56 There shall be no way out for the unbelievers on the Day of Judgement

    57-60 Al-Quran is a mercy, blessing, and cure for the problems of mankind

    61-65 Whatever you do, Allah is a witness to it

    66-70 Mushrikin follow nothing but conjecture, preach nothing but falsehood

    71-73 Story of Prophet Nuh and his people

    74-82 Rasools were sent to the descendants of Prophet Nuh-similarly Prophet Musa and Haroon were sent to Pharaoh

    83-92 Story of Musa and Fir'on (Pharaoh) and Children of Israel were delivered from the bondage of Fir'on

    93-95 Children of Israel were provided with good dwellings and food

    96-98 Belief after seeing the scourge did not benefit any nation except the nation of Yunus

    99-103 Forcing someone to convert to Islam is prohibited

    104-107 No one other than Allah can harm or benefit you

    108-109 Declare that guidance has come-now to follow or not to follow is your choice


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