Raw Video | Law enforcement expert shares perspective on University of Idaho murder investigations

44 FBI investigators have joined the case as authorities try to determine who murdered four college students and why.

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42 thoughts on “Raw Video | Law enforcement expert shares perspective on University of Idaho murder investigations”

  1. For someone to use a knife to kill four people they must be very comfortable and skilled with the knife. It has to be a substantial size. I believe it’s someone who utilizes a large knife in hunting or possible military background.

  2. What I don't understand is the Killer left a lot of blood from room to room….
    he/she must have been covered in blood and ran out the door to what a taxi cab? a car ?
    Or did they run down the street?
    Could it be a vengeful hateful neighbor?
    I can't believe they can't find evidence it's probably someone very close to that house like a neighbor or some crazy person on campus where…..
    is The Killers car it just doesn't make sense and I still don't get how two roommates can call 911 and say there's an unconscious person …..
    when there's blood everywhere why didn't they say someone's been stabbed…..
    the whole case is very mysterious and simply Bonkers…..
    I pray they find the murderer soon he or she knows they're out there you will be caught and brought to Justice👁👁 and prayers for the dead and for their families💜💙

  3. This community will always be in danger until this psychopath is locked away. Everyone needs to lool at Reverend Donna Seraphina's youtube channel on this matter. Kaylee was the target. He killed the others because they were awake or woke up. He is a hunter & loves blood. Disgruntled 30's yr old…working for his parents in a bakery that is just a few doors down from where Kaylee worked on main st. His parents k ow something is off with him. Hope LE looks into what she sent them!!!!

  4. After actually watching this video I must admit that I was impressed with the speaker. He's quite intelligent and has an exceptional knowledge base in this regard. He's certainly someone who's contributions can be trusted. I apologize that I had prejudged him at first. I had not viewed the video whatsoever but simply began my diatribe out of anger towards someone in a personal relationship and he became the recipient of that displaced anger. I owe him an apology here. I'm very Sorry sir! Thank you for sharing a wealth of information and your contributions to the law enforcement community and criminal psychology field. Edited to ask…. Is there a possibility that you could re-interview him at a later point in time? I'd be very interested in hearing his thoughts when more specific information is disclosed. And if so, could you ask him his thoughts on the possible relationship between an earlier event where a family dog in the NE area had been skinned and the perpetrator had removed the pelt and taken it with him. Or possibly the earlier knife display on the University campus pathway? Thank you.

  5. Mentally ill homeless or ex farmer or slaughter house guy. There's a BEEF Center 1.5 miles away. It's called Vandals Meat and Beef Idaho Center part of college. I believe he watched them from the ridge off the parking lot. He may have used the stadium area to wash hands and face. May have worn black …

  6. I was the first to see the Beef Agriculture Center and possibly slaughter house worker. The Greek eat lamb read how the sheep are slaughtered it is frightening….Maybe a dish washer at her job, a weird student or a former military or police older guy. Lives alone borderline homeless

  7. If he say on ridge a few times, could be soda bottle, gum wad, cigarette butts, so forth. He could have pleasured himself on the ridge or even in the house. He may have spit some rage increases saliva and spitle.

  8. I cannot understand all the ranting about the fact that there is no arrest yet in this case. It hasn't even been two weeks! It took four months to arrest the Manson family — another very messy crime scene with multiple stab wounds — and the Delphi case has taken six years! There is a mountain of evidence in this case that must be processed, including lab tests that can take weeks. In contrast to most people, I would be shocked if there was an arrest so soon.

  9. Also I think Maddie was agitated at the Grub truck. Sure she may be trying to get her food and contact driver but she seems agitated she even had that guy kinda look out for them? He admits I was just making sure they were ok and headed home. But Maddie seemed irritated to me

  10. Enough with the fixation on the knife.
    What if the assailant used a knife because he couldn't get ahold of a firearm and the knife was his second choice.
    In my opinion, the knife by itself means very little.

  11. Don't know if anyone mentioned this yet, but this is very reminiscent of the Brentwood five in Calgary. Five University students murdered at a house party in 2014. They were all stabbed to death like this case, which shows you can have multiple knife deaths at one location even when it's only one perpetrator. Just sad to hear horrible news like this again. Very sorry for all the families.

  12. By analizing the word "targeted" you know exactly what investigators are looking for; when they say this was a targeted attack first you need to wonder what they mean by targeted; targeted as opposed to a random murder; this crime can be only one of 2 options: FIRST OPTION, this was a serial killer; a serial killer murder is never targeted, it would appear to be targeted, they choose a victim, they stalk them, learn they routine, watch them for a while then kill them; they choose somebody but it could be anyone, so it's not targeted; SECOND OPTION: an incel type of crime, Elliot Rodgers type of crime, now this is a very targeted type of crime, if you ever read elliiot rodgers manifest where he hate beautiful women and couples you realize this one fits right in. Other possibilities have been ruled out; this was obviously not a robbery gone wrong, who would rob college students, knowing they have no money, nothing of value, sexual motivation was also ruled out. Also by saying this was a targeted murder they are telling you something in the murder make them think it was targeted, and can be several possibilites, either the killer stab one of them way more times than the others, or he/they did something to their bodies, like genital mutilations, that's the hatred of incels for couples that have sex lives while they are virgins, or wrote something on the wall, etc, Targeted crimes are when they target a segment of society, like black people, like that church shooting, or latinos, like that walmart shooting in El paso, tx. who were these kids?? popular beautiful, sexually active, happy college kids, exactly the kind of people these incel community hates. So this crime will be solved very soon, why??? because these type of angry hateful type of people normally make threats, give many signs, computer searches, etc, serial killers don't , so i'm sure even though they don't say it, they already zero in a couple of suspects and they are tracking them down, because most likely this suspect left town right after the attacks.

  13. I would absolutely investigate anyone who has purchased any protective military gear such as heavy gloves, helmets, chest plates etc. I'm no expert, but if there is no DNA from the killer, then he had to be covered head to toe in some kind of gear. No way you murder 4 people with no DNA left behind with no protection…

  14. This guy is great! Fox News needs to pick him up since they've been covering this more than most. He really knows what he's talking about and is very well spoken. Hope to see more of him.

  15. i think he didn't realize the room mates were downstairs. he could've become fixated but didn't have deep knowledge of everyone else.. this is idaho, people hunt, etc. one of the deer hunting seasons just wrapped up. so more people may have paraphanallia for hunting ie hunting knives.
    maybe look for a weirdo w high religious stuff. parhaps he judged these girls' lifestyles. was attracted to one of them and saw them out "wasted", talking to all the guys, etc..

  16. I'm pondering… As I often do. I've wondered about the particular knife utilized in this crime. We've heard various statements from a number of source's in this case. Some from law enforcement and most from the media or other's who've contributed some input, such as one individual who stated investigator's have inquired about a KA-Bar. I've read a number of articles stating it was either a KA-Bar with a 7" length or a Rambo style implement. The knife used in the movie Rambo was nothing near the style of a K-Bar. And was certainly a huge saw back bladed knife. And therefore the two are not really similar here except that there is jimping involved. Certainly no clear idea as to what is being sought here. My questions are this… The original military K-Bar was a single edged straight blade knife with a clip point. Not serrated either topside or on the bottom. This inclusion of a serrated section which is called jimping is found in civilian copies of this particular knife. Such as the KA-Bar D2 extreme version. I'd love to be able to review the medical examiner's autopsy protocol to determine what thickness and width the knife used was. Was there evidence of jimping on either the top/bottom. I believe there's evidence that the knife was used with such force during the attacks, inserted to the hilt, that the bolster aka guard (quillon) was evident in tissue trauma. Investigator's have not disclosed publicly why exactly they feel it was a fixed-blade knife. But the guard and force of injuries to the victim's bodies would suggest this from the autopsies. What exactly was the edge angle? Was it 20- degrees? I'm a former member of the military. Specifically an Air Force cop. I'm very well acquainted with various military grade knives. I'm also a hunter since age 9. And our perpetrator has experience with knives and stalking his prey. He would have worn dark (subdued) clothing as not to stand out. He's methodical and quiet, obviousl. He may have left a treasure trove of physical evidence that appeared to be sloppy/messy according to media reports which expresses that he's seemingly disorganized or an inexperienced offender, someone lacking in sophistication. But is that actually true of him or was it his intentions to otherwise confuse the crime scene for investigator's and forensic technician's? I'm in no way saying this was the case. But it is still something that should be considered since the investigation is somewhat at a loss on various aspects. Everything here should be afforded consideration until proven unworthy of such. There's a specific reason why this crime had taken place. There's a definitive answer to be found. Hopefully linkage blindness won't become a part.

  17. Our daughters need to get it through their heads that tic tok and insta are world wide sights. When you put it out there that you’re hyper sexual, you are advertising your parts. Might be okay among friends, but every perv and killer are enjoying those parts. And some need more than others and they’re not afraid to take it. Put out videos your future employer would be impressed by. Keep sex personal!

  18. Another thing I wanted to comment on was DNA, trace and biological materials that had been sampled from the crime scene, from the various rooms and bodies. Certainly with this particular crime scene and the amount of blood present, four victim's in separate rooms on two floors, the perpetrator having moved about autonomously within the residence, and whatever else may exist… It's going to be somewhat complex to properly evaluate as to an identifiable chain of events in such a short time. But It's not going to be difficult to determine each of the victim's DNA profile. This can be done within a few short hours, a day's time at most. If the perpetrator had left his blood at the scene from an injury due to his own knife during the attacks, which does happen at times, and his blood co mingles with the blood of the victim's, these two profile's can be separated relatively easily. A sample of the victim's DNA would be profiled. Then when any alterations of that particular profile were found, it would most likely represent the perpetrators DNA. And a profile would then be generated of the perp. But you can expect a wide variety of DNA evidence due to the number of people who've visited this residence over time. And that would only make the situation more complex. The investigation is going to be focusing on any forensic/trace evidence directly involved with and in proximity of each victim, the bedroom's and bed's. But due to the law of Locard that may include various other dna profiles being sampled along with the victim's and the perpetrator's. You can bet that those young ladies along with the friend's they called to the house that morning have had investigator's request their DNA samples to exclude them from having been involved. And thus far, no one has been linked to these murders or have been named as a suspect after 11 days time. That tells me that either great care was taken as not to leave dna behind by any of these people or that the one responsible for the murders has either taken similar precautions or not made a hit in CODIS (Combined DNA Index System) because he's never been entered due to an arrest or having a conviction requiring a DNA sample be taken. I'm not sure if any of the individuals present at the residence, especially the individual or individual's who found the first body has voluntarily agreed to have their DNA sampled and compared or if anyone has refused this. But even if they do refuse investigator's will certainly obtain a sample one way or another through various surreptitiously. A discarded cigarette butt, chewing gum, toothbrush, dining utensils etc.

  19. What the Moscow Police should have told the public and also the students who are attending college there — that they need to be on the lookout for any males that have recent cuts on one hand! Because usually when a killer chooses a knife as a means to kill a person, even when killing only one person, they are stabbing the victim in a "frenzied manner" and from that, there's going to be so much blood and blood makes handling the knife very very slippery and it will be hard for him to control the knife.

    And, if the knife hits bone and gets lodged into the bone then that's when his hand may clear the two side pieces that are a part of the handle on the knife and his hand will slip down onto the knife blade and he will cut himself. Or he may cut himself while trying to pull the knife out of the bone.

    Students attending the college there at the University of Idaho need to look to see if they can find any of their male classmates walking around with large bandaids on one hand!! If you do, then call the police hotline that they have set up. Even if you don't believe that this person couldn't have done such a horrible thing, still let the police know that your friend has a lot of cuts on his hand! Because "Do you Really Want this guy walking around out there?"

    I'm sure that the coroner has already taken fingernail clippings from each of the victims, that's one of the first things that they do is place bags over the victim's hands to preserve any material that's under their fingernails. They must have scratched their killer while trying to get him to stop. It's just if the killer gets found sooner because you've noticed that your roommate had come home last Monday with all kinds of scratches on his neck and face and then you see that the palm of his right hand is all cut up, then you need to turn him into the Police. This guy brutally stabbed four young people to death, he definitely does NOT need to be walking around campus or partying at other Frat houses getting drunk.


  20. I survived a home invasion and this case is causing the memories to flood back. The murderer may have been hiding in the home waiting. He either knew them or had been watching them long enough to know their habits. There was a dog in the home at the time and it didn't rouse them. That's the thing to figure out. The dog was unharmed when found.

  21. @0:06 he says "I have young kids in college" so he's either saying he thinks his children are really immature for college age adults or he thinks all college age adults are immature kids !? Probably both, right !?

  22. Guns make noise and draw attention. Knives are silent. If a killer is out for revenge or a thrill and doesn't want to be caught, using a gun doesn't make sense.
    Also the statements made by different parties that there was no signed of force entry isn't indicative of much imo. People forget to lock their doors. You also might not lock a door if you're expecting visitor, want to go to bed and the visitor doesn't have a key. Also some locks are super easy to open with no trace.

  23. They need to interview and question all of the friends and classmates of each of these victims and roommates. And everyone seen at that bar that evening. Kids talk! Somebody must know the potential suspect.

  24. My theory from the start was/is: the killer (singular) is a subject that know all of them well enough to have in he’s ( wishful thinking mind ) swear that the girls were flirting with him. When he was rejected it destroyed he’s ego. He put on a good act as though c’mon I I was jk when all the time he was fuming in humiliation. He continues the “ friendship “ hanging in the social circle. The entire time planning as he learns their patterns. This guy has something quite attractive that makes it easy for him to be interactive with. Something physical or a unique skill.
    There’s much more that I see.

  25. There is a jack Showalter that lives close by , white hoodie guy seen at food truck where Kaylee and Maddie were seen at, had apparently had been kicked out of several things. HE apparently has been cleared by police. His excuse by police was "following the girls to make sure they got home safely." And look what happened. I have a gut feeling he needs to be looked into more. I am wondering if someone can look more into him.

  26. I think the family should Contact A Physic they have help police solve many Murders that Police were unable to solve, they have helped police find dead bodies that police could not find.

    They need to bring in a physic or medium to help solve this crime. They have help solve many Murders. It has been like 2 weeks now !

  27. Look at past string killers who have killed in multiple places, look at past thrill killers with compulsive behaviors and then check all knife killings in the past two years. Not just in the west but the entire US, Canada and Mexico.


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