Ratchet & Clank's PSP Games – The Golden Bolt

The final chapter

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0:00 Intro & Development
15:12 ACT I: You did this to me
28:13 ACT II: Filler Spillage
42:09 ACT III: Size Doesn’t Matter
59:45 ACT IV: Clank
1:15:43 ACT V: Why

“The Golden Bolt Theme” composed by AllHailBuckets. Show him some love on Spotify or your music service of choice! https://open.spotify.com/artist/2dWDmPnBqbOuoGGF5oclcv

This video is not intended for viewers under 13 years of age, and may contain content inappropriate for such viewers. Parental guidance suggested.


47 thoughts on “Ratchet & Clank's PSP Games – The Golden Bolt”

  1. I loved the theming of Secret Agent Clank. I enjoyed the idea of spy work, weapons/gadgets doubling as accessories, and Ratchet fighting previous enemies. All very cool concepts imo. I don’t remember much about the game though except a few places where I wished it was something more.

  2. I haven't watched the whole video yet, I just want to say Size Matters is one of my favourite games. It's definitely not the best RaC game, not even close, but honestly, for a RaC on the go idea, this is great

  3. As one whose played the ps2 version of size matters first then the psp version I prefer secret agent clank over the former. At least I had fun playing that, size matters on the other hand feels like you're underpowered hell dayni moon would be where I straight up quit after I beat Luna cause I just did not enjoy it.

  4. I started playing the game to see how bad it actually is to play, and yeah it sucks for the most part.
    But found out a way to level the suck canon fast, and gain a ton of bolts at the same time.

    On the dream level, there is a part where you need to travel to some portals killing enemies in the process. One of the platforms is a blueish giant bolt, where about 16 of those flying syringies spawn, and if you suck them with the canon, they give more bolts than by killing them. And if you stay instead of going through the portal, they respawn infinitely. You gain about 1.5k bolts per wave.

    Why am I playing the game? Nostalgia reasons mostly, and honestly I'm having fun with it

  5. Even if the games didn't pan out like they hoped and were slogs to het through, I appreciate that High Impact Games tried to not fall into that crunch mentality many studios suffered/are still suffering from.

  6. this was my first ratchet game, the first one on the psp size matters and i found the controls to be so horrible i didnt even pick it up again after the tutorial planet… im giving the remaster of the first one on my ps4 a go later this year but this… no this wont get a second chance i have too little free time to waste it with stuff that makes me nearly yeet my retro handheld into the wall 😀 (ok it wasnt retro back then when i bought the psp late in its life cycle but still… YEET)

  7. I think the funniest detail of the plot summary Bolt gives during this maddening secret agent game is that one of the stages has clank ALSO being framed and that is not acknowledged even slightly right after the framing cutscene happens!

  8. I remember these games and loving them when i played them on psp, but I do specifically remember being stuck on the last boss of challenge mode in secret agent clank. Not enough damage and way to easy to fail.
    Funny thing I vividly remember the platinium bolt at 55:46 because after I found it at the time I thought it was bad level design as it was during a timed event that blows up the level after the fact so if you miss it you couldn't get it again without a second play throug, but I was sure it was in different rachet and clank game (possibly 2 or 3) and never came accross it when I played through them a couple years ago, I thought I was going mad as i knew it was a thing but I had forgotten that size matters was a game so never replayed it and never found it intill that random clip right there.

  9. I remember HATING size matters so much, I never even bothered with secret agent clank. The same studio making lost frontiers explains a lot too, I never played that but I have never seen a positive review which is sad since it's the last jak game.

  10. I have such fun memories of playing ratchet and clank size matters from back in the day on my PSP being the only ratchet and clank game I owned because I never had a PlayStation two at the time and I know if I go back and play it now I’ll have questions for my younger self

  11. I started watching your R&C and the rest of your content back in late 2021, and I gotta say you are one of the most entertaining, funny, yet well researched, clearly passionate video essayists I have ever had the pleasure to watch.
    I can't believe we are finally at the end of this whole retrospective. You bet your golden ass imma rewatch the whole damn thing again. Thanks for all you do.
    Stay Golden.

  12. I remember after beating the game many times on size matters i changed the language because i thought it would be funny to have a french/Italian rachet

    IT DELETES YOUR ENTIRE SAVE FILE!!! This isnt talked about anywhere online (i was a bored kid messing around)

  13. The one funny detail about this game that always stuck out to me thats exclusive to a non english version is the fact that in the qwark opera house they had the italian voice of DOCTOR NEFARIOUS dub over the singing part of Qwark because i guess the voice actor didn't feel like he had the chops to make it work… and to contextualize this, the thugs4less leader was voiced by that same voice actor in italy but here he's instead voiced by somebody else doing an impression of the english voice actor… and no he didn't do other voices he was just there for that one opera bit then dipped

  14. 1:12:00 The Rythm game at the start of the game. I don't know if it is the Emulator or is the Rythmgame just broken on PSP. I had to slow down the Game to 25% to stand a change to beat it. And now I have no Problem with Games like this on PS.
    The Jak II Minigame with Onin? Easy. Also the Stuff in Rac3.

    But here, it was like the timing is completly off. Did they not test if it works. I know that we humans think we press on time, but it is always off. Usually you test this to find a value that fits. i think they forgot that step.

  15. Honestly I'll be the first to come out and admit I love both the PSP titles, even more than some of the mainline ones.
    Even though you obviously don't share that opinion, I'm glad to see a video going in depth talking about the PSP versions of these games. You would think them being originally made for PSP, most would talk about those versions.
    But this is the first time I have ever seen a Youtube video discussing them and not the PS2 ports, which are both imo a serious downgrade, mostly when it comes to the artstyle. I swear the team that made the PS2 port of Secret Agent Clank just hated colour, and made every level look so miserable and dull.

  16. For Size Matters, there was an online in game chat group attatched to the mutliplayer that i used to be a part of. For nearly a year, I would chat with a dedicated group of people nightly before bed. And yes, it was a very cringy chat group of a bunch of middle and high schoolers chatting. I still remember several of their usernames.

  17. I've been playing through all the R&C games again (apart from these monstrosities) and I finish each game I come to watch the retrospective video on it, as its been years since I originally played them. There always seems to be a lot of extra things you point out that I missed.

  18. Hey, I know this may seem random but…I thought it may be something that would make you smile after such a rough game:

    Your videos actually inspired me to try out the R&C series for the first time myself. When I first got a PS5 I got Rift Apart with it, deciding to try that as my first game. I was nervous that ONLY having seen your videos and not having PLAYED the last few games would make it hard to be a starting point, but a mix of the game's writing, and your own videos, was plenty for me to still love it. It blew me away so heavily in so many ways and I am now eagerly looking forward to future releases <3

    you made another R&C fan :3


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