Life After Death

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If we dwell on the thoughts of our mortality too much, it can consume us and prevent us from going about our daily lives. What’s the point of it all if life simply ends?


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20 thoughts on “Life After Death”

  1. Christianity is the answer. this is my belief The bible answers all questions I don't know a lot but from what I know. curiosity is a gift we can be philosophy we can ask about this thing but we have to know from the start that is God and everything just flows with it.

  2. 0:19 "If we dwell on the thoughts of our morality too much…"

    I think you mean mortality, not morality.

    0:46 "We don't have experience of this potential nothing to draw on…"

    Yes you do: deep, dreamless sleep. Everyone alive vanishes multiple times each night in sleep, between periods of dreaming and waking. That complete absence of all forms of conscious experience is all anyone needs to understand about what "nothing" after death would be: not an experience OF nothing (which is a nonsensical idea anyway), but the nothing that is the mere absence of any and all experience.

    The point isn't whether nothing after death is likely, but that there's an entirely commonplace non-conceptual touchstone available for anyone trying to get a handle on what it would entail.

    As for the objection that the nothing of dreamless sleep is temporary, while the possible nothing of death would be permanent, the point is to see that if no experience ever arose to interrupt your oblivion (whether in sleep or death), there wouldn't be anything or anyone there to register the fact.

    3:02 "Every single one of their therapists is licensed, has a masters or doctorate degree…"

    Really? I thought one of the controversies around BetterHelp is that their therapists didn't always (or even often) have advanced degrees. Maybe that's changed in response to the controversy.

  3. I believe in an afterlife to some extent. What I believe is that in an infinite time span, whatever replicates your consciousness will replicate eventually somewhere else. I think when you die you will wake up somewhere else.

  4. If we accept death as not being alive (at least in the reality we know) then we were ALL dead some 200 years ago. So if you were dead, now you´re alive and then you´ll be dead again what will happen; will you stay dead (which is possible) or at some point will you be alive again (which ALREADY happened) I´m not trying to convert anyone into anything else, but those people who claim they "know" what happens after death, be it something or nothing, are simply arrogant.


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