Rare access to UK and Lebanese airborne forces large-scale military exercise

Soldiers from the Parachute Regiment and Lebanon’s Air Assault Regiment have been working together on a large-scale joint military exercise.

It is the first time the UK and Lebanese armies have trained alongside each other on this scale – and Forces News were given rare access to see the action in September.

With Lebanon being one of Britain’s key partners in the Middle East, training exercises like this help to promote stability in the region.

More: https://www.forces.net/operations/exercises/paras-and-lebanese-airborne-forces-work-together-boost-fight-against-terrorism

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39 thoughts on “Rare access to UK and Lebanese airborne forces large-scale military exercise”

  1. You can all stop worrying, the whole purpose of this exercise is purely so a bunch of young Paras can earn Lebanese Parachute Wings as they no longer go anywhere to get medals.

    You've got to have a bit of bling on your uniform!

  2. I have a Lebanese brother in law, he served as a medic during his national service. He blames the west for all the world's wars and problems including the UK, he's a Putin and Trump supporter and hates the Israelis. I served 22 years in all the recent conflicts so I just ignore him, poor soul he's so confused.

  3. How many of these Lebanese regulars wind up in Hezbollah to share their training? It's not a question without merit; in the US, there is a sizeable number of former Army and Marines who come from gangs and go right back to them after their terms are completed.

  4. wtf is this our own military on fxckin crack or what 😂😂😂this is most stupidest thing ive ever heard in my life cant trust them and train them they got ties to our enemies your off your heads 😂😂😂

  5. Remember a gun which is not accurate at close range definitely isn't going to be accurate at long range. A gun is either accurate or not. I believe they are out there as some sort of we're doing something about ISIS excuse.

  6. I don’t understand why this is going on. You got those has Bella there has Bala I don’t know how to spell has Bella why don’t they just make it simple I don’t understand is Arabs

  7. Conflict of interests 🤔 Lebanon firing rockets into Israel.. and the UK stands with Israel.. now they are training with Lebanese forces. Make your mind up UK which side you are on.

  8. Paras in Lebanon,navy in Venezuela?why aren't they in the channel deterring young men coming over in dingys.. we have no Idea who they are,and what detrimental affect they could have on our shore's?


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