Ranking the Biggest "What If's" in NFL History Ep. 91

Taking a look at some of the biggest “what if’s” that would have changed the course of the NFL.

One of the biggest fan pastimes is discussing the endless possibilities if a certain event didn’t happen or happened differently. What if they drafted that player, what if he made that tackle, or that catch? It’s crazy how one decision or move can alter the entire complexion of every single team in the league. So that got us thinking, What are the biggest what-ifs in NFL history?

The Biggest “What If’s” In NFL History

Join us this week as we delve into the intriguing “what ifs” of NFL history that could have significantly altered the football landscape. We’re venturing beyond the established narratives to explore hypothetical scenarios—what if certain star players had never been injured? What if pivotal drafts had gone differently, or critical plays and penalties had unfolded in another manner? The answers to these questions open up a realm of endless possibilities, reflecting how a single moment can ripple through the annals of football history, reshaping legacies and championships.

wk1** Mount Rushmore of **One-Year Wonders**:

– **wk2** Mount Rushmore of **Running Backs**:
From Barry Sanders to Emmitt Smith, we analyze the greats and share our top picks.

– **wk3** Mount Rushmore of **The Football FantasyGOAT**:
The ultimate debate. Who’s the greatest of all time in the world of fantasy football? Join the conversation!

– **wk4** Mount Rushmore of **Football What Ifs**:
Delve into the hypothetical and unravel the threads of NFL lore as we discuss our top 4 monumental “what if” scenarios.

NFL History’s What Ifs: Embark on a journey of imagination and speculation as we probe the alternate realities of NFL’s storied past. From potential career trajectories of players like Bo Jackson and Peyton Manning, to the fateful plays that could have re-written the destinies of teams, we examine these tantalizing scenarios in meticulous detail. Our discussion aims to shed light on the delicate nature of football’s historical fabric, unearthing the profound impact of certain pivotal moments. Engage with us in this exhilarating exploration of the NFL’s “what ifs” and share your own speculative insights on how the game’s history might have been redefined. Don’t miss out on this thrilling discussion that challenges the accepted football lore, leaving you to ponder the endless possibilities that reside in the realm of the hypothetical.

S P E C I A L G U E S T |
This week, our special guest is pastor PJ. Dunn from The Reformationist Podcast.


This is Pastor P’s second showing with us, please go and welcome him. Tell him hello, and how amazing his podcast is. Let’s all get his cast. Started right now and going in liking and sharing and subscribing.

Pastor Andy was on his first episode:
Make sure to check us out on all social media platforms! Drop a comment and let us know if you agree or disagree with our lists!

C O M M E N T of the W E E K |
● If you’re new here, introduce yourself and share how you stumbled upon us.
● What’s your biggest NFL “what if” scenario?

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Stay tuned for yet another engaging topic on The Rushmore Show!

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► Kirk’s Instagram – @kp2pk
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7 thoughts on “Ranking the Biggest "What If's" in NFL History Ep. 91”

  1. I only have a few what is Bo Jackson didn’t get hurt what if Jerry Rice didn’t get drafted by the 49ers and what if the power didn’t go out during the Super Bowl whenever it was the ravens versus I believe it was the Bucs would you have change the game I wanted there was no instant replay. Thank you for your time.

  2. This was a great show! Trying to avoid Crushmoring with y'all, I'm gonna go with
    Rosie) What if Ryan Leaf hadn't been such a total bomb?
    TJ Jazzy Jeff) What if Drew Brees had never gotten injured at San Diego (I don't want to think about this)
    Link) What if RG III hadn't been hurt? (I was such a fan of his going into his career)
    George) I have to Crushmore about the no call, it's so ingrained in me as a Saints fan.


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