RANK 1 AIM BOT – New World (PotatoGoblin) bow/rapier

yep songs
02:12 – DVRST – Motion
04:43 – 5admin – Silence


21 thoughts on “RANK 1 AIM BOT – New World (PotatoGoblin) bow/rapier”

  1. I REPEAT THE BOW IS NOT NERFED . I have well over 400+ hours with the bow and it isn’t nerfed. They removed the triple shot bug and the only real nerf I can feel is that you can’t like regular arrow shot then penetrating shot in like a millisecond. There is just now a slight delay to arrow shot then loading pen shot. NOTHING A GOOD BOWMAN WILL NOT QUICKLY ADJUST TO AND FEEL NO DIFFERENCE. Don’t panic bowman keep shooting

  2. I really suck at aiming with the bow. I try and put people in the middle of the crosshairs + but it never seems to ever hit.. do I have to aim slightly to the side or something?? Very tempted to try out the dex/int build with the musket, I seem to land 90% if my musket shots lmao. Fire staff too, I’ll land most shots, only lost 3 duels out of 34

  3. how u feel about the delay? no more light attack ( aim) + penetrating shot , sometimes it work but not like before also i realise if you light attack whit no aim you can do penetrating shot instant


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