Random Acts of Kindness That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity !

Random Acts of Kindness | Faith in Humanity Restored

“What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?” – Jean-Jacques Rousseau

I hope that this video will brighten your day and put a smile on your face. Enjoy!

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46 thoughts on “Random Acts of Kindness That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity !”

  1. 2:00 Car's blow up in movies after catching fire due to large amounts of explosives in them. In real life they don't tend to do that since the air-fuel mixture in the tank would need to be just right which is basically never is.

  2. My wife and I were taking a walk and I noticed smoke coming from a pile of debris in unknown neighbor’s yard. No cars, no one home, so I entered their yard, found a hose and watered the entire area. Left a note for them in case they saw the burn area. Later I heard the fire department told her I probably started it and put it out to be a hero. No good deed goes unpunished ..

  3. Like the videos of the little boy by the water fountain was cool & the little boy hugged his lost toy, the baby could hear for the first time, the McDonald's delivery driver got arrested the cop dropped the home owner dinner for her, the boy that hugged the statue, the dancing post guy, the boy with his new puppy, the blindfold guy giving free hugs, the 14 year old saved the little boy down the well bringing to safety, liked all of the videos awesome.

  4. I'll never forget kids when visiting Afghanistan selling different items.. This one kid had pens and he was handicapped. While I was with my aunt's in-laws in a car, he came up to the car window. The in-laws drove too fast for me to give the kid money' He said "I haven't sold all day…" I wouldn't have taken his items. Life is so unfair. There are videos of this org finding Afghan kids and giving them money. One old guy selling stuff. I have survivor's guilt all the time. Why them? Many people have kind hearts though. Helping them thank goodness.

  5. Most of these are coincidence and nowhere close to being "new". Labeling something as "kind" is a lie as it's nothing than being instinctual reactions of cultural norms. Get a real job.


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