Terrifying Force of Nature: Waco's Deadly F5 Tornado

Waco – The Worst Unwarned F5 Tornado Ever Happened…

Cyclones, windstorms, tornadoes are not alien for the people of Texas. In fact, Texas is often called the Tornado Alley but there comes some tornadoes in decades that wrenches the spirit of the place and its people. One such event occurred in 1953, May 9 to 11th.

A string of tornadoes developed and ripped apart everything and anything that came its way. It was one of the most detrimental and destructive tornadoes that hit Texas since 1900, it was named as the MONSTER OF THE SKY.

The winds were hovering around at speeds of over 300 miles per hour, within minutes the tornado had claimed around 114 lives and ended up wounding over 600 people, damaged properties worth millions and damaged lives that were priceless.


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