Randall Carlson's Ancient Catastrophe (Full Documentary)

Randall Carlsonโ€™s Ancient Catastrophe (Full Documentary)


29 thoughts on “Randall Carlson's Ancient Catastrophe (Full Documentary)”

  1. guys, what if humans giving food to animals, maybe with regenerative farms so that they could not interfere with nature, would stop the extinction of the the animals from the ancient catastrophe? plant eaters could forage from the so many food items that they would continue on and then the predators would have something to eat?

  2. Around the 58:09 timepoint, notice the circular objects in the image.. They are kind of ring donut shaped…
    Does anyone else think that they are only similar to some NASA caught images of unusual objects that have been seen , floating around in space?

  3. I watched this fictional TV show in china when I was little and there was a mention two beings 1 with ox head 1 with horse face as the enforcer guiding the deceased person soul to afterlife. Trying to see if there's any link with other myths ๐Ÿ˜…

  4. Well, the obvious answer to our cosmic dilemma…. is to turn the Moon into our defense satellite by building massive solar powered kinetic energy pulse weapons, 12- 14 of them pointing in every direction to ensure one is always going to be relatively on target even if a potential planet killing impactor managed to come in at such an angle as to give us minimal time to act accordingly.

    Now- who's ass do I have to kick, or what beautiful woman do I have to bed to make this happen??!! c'mon man we gotta get the ball rolling, to uhmm… save the planet! that's it… yeah, the planet ๐Ÿ˜‰

  5. Was the ice age b4 the YD centered over North America? If it was, maybe that area at that time was the North Pole. Just a thought. Did the impact rotate the planet off its normal axis? Changing our N & S poles ?

  6. Hi Dr. Carlson instead of a comet impact or various of such, could it have been a crust displacement or a combination of (comet and crust)? That will push the Antarctic under ice in time and cause vast melting of the North American ice sheet. Also, moving Siberia, the Sahara Desert, Egypt, etc more north. Just a thought.

  7. Iโ€™M NO BRAIN but it seems to me that the Earth was hit so hard by extraterrestrial objects that the orbit was disrupted and caused the catastrophic events you describe. Possibly when traveling through the toroidal dust But Iโ€™m just a dumb hillbilly that likes to build stuff.

  8. But due to the Precession of the Equinox, the Pleaidesy would not have been at midnight meridian in late October or early November 12,000 yrs ago or so in the time of Plato's Atlantic(s) Deluge. Rather, the Pleiades would've been in midnight meridian in early to mid-June.

  9. This use of the word, 'Decimation' annoys me. It means 1 in 10. The use of this is vastly over used and wrong. Obliterated would be better. I know this is a small detail, but a bad use of the English language. I wish educational productions could rectify this. Whinge over ๐Ÿ˜Š

  10. I will always rate him more than paleonthologists because he has a far wider knowledge than they have. That's the issue they have. They don't know much beyond their field. Randall has more means to connect the dots


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