Raiders Fan Radio Ep. 279: We Deserve Better. Do We Though?

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14 thoughts on “Raiders Fan Radio Ep. 279: We Deserve Better. Do We Though?”

  1. Great show Murf. I just need to come to terms that it is my fate. It is my destiny to be a grumpy Raiders fan. I need to let the grumpiness flow through me. It’ll make me strong, give me focus. So I can let others feel the full Power of the dark side. lol Catch ya later!!

  2. Outstanding show as always. CPA Joel and Raider Bomber 🦴 on debut and QB Jeff with more level headed information to educate us all. Till next time everybody, Adios Malinguerers………and don't forget to pray for Philip Rivers wife 🙏😏 👊🏴‍☠️🖤RN4L

  3. Upper deck rices in Oakland (not Mt Davis) were going for $20 per game when the team was sucking in 2013 so Raiders games can decide to go on game day because cost was closer to that of going to the movies.

  4. I’m not enabling… the opposite is happening. I sell my tickets at highest bidder. Buyers are likely to be opposing team fans, which in turn has pissed off Mark Davis.

    My hope is that this motivates Mark to invest in improving the teams…. at least that’s my hope.

  5. Prior to 2016, The Raiders Never sold out a season in Oakland. That maybe hard to believe but it is a FACT. I was at The Battle of the Bay in 2014, and SF fans flooded that place. I was at Steeler games in 13 and 18, Steelers took over the place. In 2017, So called Raider fans were selling their tickets to Cowboy fans for 800 and up !! There were Emmit Smith and Aikman jerseys everywhere. Many fans with Deep pockets openly expressed that their PSLs were basically a Investment and especially for a 2 Billion dollar venue in the #1 Tourist city in the world. Also the " We deserve Better " Rhetoric is nothing but False outrage by Carr Zealots who are angry about Carr leaving. Where were the signs when The Raiders were 2-7 ??? Exactly!

  6. This was expected, this is why the NFL signed off on Mark going to Vegas and why they were able to finance the stadium. Everyone knew Vegas would be a destination for fans, not only Raiders fans but also opposing fans. There was no other way Mark was going to be able to get a new stadium. I'm tired of all this romancing of the Oakland Coliseum, I live in the East Bay, the stadium was great back in the day but it is trash now. It was dirty and falling apart. Financially Mark couldn't keep up as long as the Raiders remained there. The hope now is that Mark can use the increased revenue to improve the team. Unfortunately he spent the money on Gruden and he was a failure.


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