r/WholesomeMemes – WHO'S A GOOD BOY?

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– tlo_oly


48 thoughts on “r/WholesomeMemes – WHO'S A GOOD BOY?”

  1. The first one is kinda interesting cause at the start the doctor was an ass that wasn't too happy he had to help with Pokemon cause he's a human doctor. He only helped after Nurse Joy told him they need help cause the actual hospital for Pokemon was full.

    This shows he got some character development over the episode while helping out.

  2. those animals are capybaras and they're the largest living rodent.
    That Wal-Mart employee posing was hilarious.
    Also we're all rooting for you tlo_oly. We appreciate the sacrifices you make to give us content.

  3. Yaarning has something to do with Sozial Behavors like a Wolf Houls when a other Wolf do it.
    There is a Faszinating thing because Dogs Sozialising with Humans. So when you Yaarning watch your dog because he will Yaarning too. Same thing when he is Yaarning you will too.

  4. I know I can't do much but I hope things get better for you. For what it's worth your videos help me quite a bit when I'm having a rough patch. I don't know why the algorithm has decided to screw you over but I hope this bit of engagement can help.

  5. I'm sorry your channel hasn't been doing so well recently. Your dedication is unmatched, lots of other people would've given up after they found out their channel wasn't doing well, but you keep on going. I hope 2023 only brings the best for you, dude.

  6. Contagious yawning is actually a evolutionary advantage we developed from monkeys. We all need sleep in order to live and function. When a person yawns, it relaxes them and makes them ready to rest or sleep, and so in a group, it lets all the others know that it’s time to sleep. So, those who are insomniacs or do not feel tired due to any special circumstances tend to unconsciously feel tired too and get ready to rest when they see a yawn. This way, as long as majority of the people’s circadian rhythm and sleep schedule is functional, it indirectly helps those who have difficulty sleeping. Infact, a weird treatment being experimented for insomniacs is yawning therapy!

  7. I needed this. Got Covid after avoiding getting it these last 3 years and it is brutal even being vaccinated and boosted once. I don't want to think about how I feel if I didn't have that much.

  8. Just to let you know I've been a subscriber and watch almost all your videos. I'm sorry things aren't going great, but hopefully it will get better. I can understand your battling something. Like depression, I deal with that too. Things WELL get better. Keep it up, your videos help me a lot and I wish I could do more to help you.

  9. Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the spectrum, we got entitled toxic feminist women who thinks they are better than every men and wants them to be simps, despite the fact that they aren't as accomplished as most men.

  10. The black cat I had was the sweetest doof you ever could have met. Even my friends that didn't like cats liked him and his aunt Maggie. Several of my old neighbors said they missed them after we moved. Maggie and Jaguar each lived 15 years.

  11. Oh man those stats ain't looking too grand for your channel man, you grind lots of videos but they can't get traction, I hope the rest of the year would be great for you but I feel like this kind of content slowly lost its spark and uh, I pray for your life to be wonderful.

  12. It was an orphaned baby squirrel and I believe it had fallen asleep in his pocket so he left it there to rest. He’s also has bottle fed orphaned babies on the show too he was an amazing guy. He never sold his paintings he only gave them to places to be auctioned off and profits stayed with that place


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