r/EntitledPeople – Jealous "Karen" Parents Want My Money and House! So They SUE ME!

r/entitledpeople – OP tells a story about his entitled Karen parents who decide to sue him for his house and all of his money! These jealous parents abandoned OP at a young age and now expect him to hand over his inheritance to them! It gets worse! Subscribe for future stories.

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👱🏼‍♀️ One of my favorite Entitled people stories!
[Karen PRETENDS to Be the Owner’s WIFE! Tries to Fire Me!]

Entitled People Stories in this episode of r/entitledpeople:

0:00 – Intro
0:28 – Story 1 (u/Boobah79)
3:51 – Story 2 (u/DorkinatorWarrior)
7:51 – Story 3 (u/Im-Just-A-Neighbor)
15:03 – Story 4 (u/atwoz86)

#karenstories #funnykarenstories #entitledpeople


33 thoughts on “r/EntitledPeople – Jealous "Karen" Parents Want My Money and House! So They SUE ME!”

  1. Story 3: You know what's unfair? Being born into a family that doesn't want you, without a choice. Your parents are garbage and that's exactly what they deserve. Garbage. God bless your late grandparents. I'm glad you had someone to love you, at least. Maybe if your POS father could keep it in his pants he'd have had his dream. The stupid thing is, he could have still had his dream and you could have had a wonderful family, if they had just put you up for adoption as a baby.

  2. In story 2, where the parents blame their son for ruining their lives. Were they held at gunpoint to have sex and make a child? From my standpoint two selfish children decided to have sex which created a child. Since they didn't want him, they could have had him put up for adoption to a family who will love him 1000x more than the fraction of care they feel for him only just to say that he ruined their life.

  3. Second story: OP should have pushed the cops to file a report for false reporting against Karen, as she most likely has done this before and will continue to do things like this. OP could have also asked the cops to tell Karen to leave the property immediately as she is trespassing and is not welcome here and if she doesn't leave ASAP, like before the cops leave, then she will be charged with trespassing, harassment, and filing a false police report.

  4. story 4: my birth certificate is from Seoul, South Korea, but i am (unfortunately) an american through and through. i'm not proud of it. BUT! i do not have dual citizenship–i was born on "american soil" for whatever that means. all that to say, it doesn't matter what your BC says; you're made of where you grew up and live. I'm no more Korean than i am a Texan, or South African (which is to say, none of any of those things).

  5. So the parents' stance in court was basically "Yeah, we treated our first kid like garbage because he just had to come into existence to spite us and ruin our lives, and it's totally not fair that he got all the stuff in the will and we were cut out."

  6. Last video: This is why I don’t buy expensive ear buds, they are so small it inevitable that I would loose them. I say buy the cheap brands and hope they last for a year at least

  7. Story 1: OP really should have called the police and reported her for the 1) Trespassing 2) Harassment 3) Hate Crime…using the video as proof.
    Story 2: The moment Karen stated OP was "assaulting" her and "stealing" from her OP should have immediately called police to have the call recorded and press charges.
    Story 3: When writing a will always list $1USD for each person that you don't want to get anything…the probate judges will understand the intent of the will.

  8. I really don't understand paying $200 for earbuds. I mean, MAYBE if you have superhumanly good hearing you can tell a difference but for the rest of us a $10-$20 pair works just as good. Then again, people pay huge amounts for all sorts of things you can find just-as-good equivalents for far less on, so what do I know?

  9. The story about the guy being abandoned by his parents is crazy. Because it's their fault that their lives turn out the way it did. Nobody told them to have unprotected sex. And they were too young and stupid to realize that it's their fault.

  10. Story 3, how is it a child’s fault mama couldn’t keep her legs closed or daddy keep it in his pants? Seriously??? Then they literally abandoned their parents as well? Too busy to show up for grandmas funeral? Disgusting, selfish people who clearly never developed much beyond an amoeba.

  11. Story 2: Yes the Karen of this story is a few cans short of a 6 pack imo so is ANYONE who dresses up is WW II uniforms to reenact battles! OP is obviously someone who has never served in the military & has never fought in an actual war! My grandpa served in WWII, my father, 2 uncles & stepdad all fought in Vietnam & I have many friends who served & fought in both wars in the middle east! These are real soldiers who would tell these reenactment morons to knock it off & because they never served they are too ignorant to understand why! Me I quote the immortal George Carlin "next time you reenact a battle use real bullets assh**e"

  12. I don't understand why the 17 year olds didn't just give the child up for adoption? Obviously they resented having a child, why not allow the baby to be a blessing for another couple? I guess they wanted to keep him to punish him for their mistake. How very cruel.

  13. I was OP in some way about the parents who said you ruined my life. It's not my fault because I am doing my best like my grandmother raised me. My mom is now miserable and blame me for graduating from college

  14. I also got pregnant in high school. That kid and the two others that followed are the best part of my life! It wasn’t easy, but I still graduated and then went to nursing school. It was hard, but I did it! I bought my first house when I was 21.

    Anyone who blames their kid for them being born, needs to take a good looong look in the mirror! Chances are, they never would have made anything of themselves anyway. Hard times bring out who you really are. Blaming your kids for existing is narcissism on steroids with a massive dose of projection.


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