r/Bossfight | man VS stingray.

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43 thoughts on “r/Bossfight | man VS stingray.”

  1. r/bossfight then you got me ashtiboy! the ultmaite vivid deamer! that in my vivid deams all my feats are bascly: tamer of most voleit scps, owner of all the fnaf antronics, bane of lovecraften horrors,atractor of all the robot girlfrends, master of all the touho magic, colecror of all the gacha,stands, and fate servants, master of all the dream demons, the distoyer of the core of the back rooms ai master cores, and bsacly the so feard most powerful being in the deamscape where all of htse things have happend allready. yes my vivid deams that i remberb i actaly did all of these in my deams.

  2. Huh, they have that exact same statue that the guy is face stomping at a cemetery in Michigan. It's a bunch of kids playing a game called Crack-The-Whip I think (or something like that).


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