Quickest ID Refusal & Walk Of Shame! – New Channel

Original Channel: https://youtube.com/@streetbeatsouthwest

Original video: https://youtu.be/6lbjsIh_hms

Welcome back to San Joaquin audits, happy holidays everyone!
Be sure to check this video and subscribe to street beat: southwest & let him know i sent you over!
Let me know your thoughts below in the comment section

FAIR USE NOTICE This video may contain copyrighted material; the use of which has not been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available for the purposes of criticism, comment, review and news reporting which constitute the fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, review and news reporting is not an infringement of copyright.

Disclaimer: NONE of our videos should be considered a “call to action.” We are not attorneys. Our videos should not be construed as legal advice. You should seek legal counsel if you believe that you are a victim of police misconduct. The facts presented in our videos are not indicative of our personal opinions. Laws, case law, ordinances, policies, legal doctrine, and all other jurisprudence is subject to the interpretation of the court. The videos shown are designed to be educational, and informative based on the information available at the time the video was published. All claims made are alleged.

#idrefusal #constitution #firstamendment


36 thoughts on “Quickest ID Refusal & Walk Of Shame! – New Channel”

  1. We don't need no stinking RAS or PC… we got shiny Badges!
    You can Beat the Charge… You Can't Beat the Ride. You May Live through the SWAT Raid… Your home will be Destroyed.

    Instead of "Defund the Police"… "Hold the Cops ACCOUNTABLE & Abolish Qualified Immunity (Institute for Justice) & Establish Mandatory Minimum Punishments!”

    The WAR on the pesky citizens continues! The Cops will find a Crime for every pesky Citizen! Back the Blue and get your crime too!

    SNAFU… Government & Cops Earning the Hate!

    Cop tells pesky citizen… Your Constitutional "Rights" & Life does NOT mean a Damn thing out on the Streets… Sue me … We have Qualified Immunity, we have copsplain & Lies, we control the narrative, we will investigate ourselves, the blue line of corruption & Police Union will protect us, and there is NO Accountability for anything I do… so fook you pesky citizens and your BS “rights”!

    The Beatings Will Continue… Until Your Compliance Improves… the Government wants good Obedient Slaves! Privacy, Freedom, & Liberty is VERBOTEN! Pacification by Force!

    If I have to Follow the Law the Government has to Follow the US Constitution!

    Michael Malice – “There is no law so obscene that the police would not be willing to enforce it, up to and including the mass execution of innocent children.”

    There is NO such thing as Government Safety & Security. "Safety & Security" is a Nanny State phrase designed to justify whatever control the government wants to inflict on the pesky citizens.

    The Venn Diagram of Governments "Safety & Security" is a Single Circle around the Government and You ain't in it!

    Everything is Malum Prohibitum. Let’s Charge the pesky citizen with… Resisting, Obstruction, Failure to ID, Disorderly Conduct, Breach of the Peace, Blocking the Sidewalk, JAYWalking, Failure to Follow Commands, Pedestrian in the Road, and/or Trespassing. We need to cover up our crime!

  2. This guy was worried about this guy with a camera then it person being raped yeah we can see what the cops interest is in not doing his job more worried about it camera then a doing his real job finding a rate person yet we just thought first hand

  3. It might just be me but what I seen in that video were cars that were parked well out into the sidewalk nobody doing nothing about that can't walk down that sidewalk unless you went through those cars that cop should have been worried about that also just wanted to point that out I'm an observant person.😎

  4. Always remember and never forget that every piggy knows that every single person is guilty of something, the piggy just hasn't found out your guilt yet. You know you're guilty everyone's guilty.

  5. C'mon , your getting lazy or tired of getting locked up. Your early vids were creating a 'Rise Up' movement . Holding civil servants accountable is imperative to an equitably empowered society. Rise Up San Joaquin

  6. Too bad. Actually, the cop seems like a decent-enough fellow. No tyranny. Nothing wrong with observing publicly-displayed license plates. I do, however, fault his arrogant ignorant superiors and politicians who cynically under-train him and send him out to deal with the public in often-complicated situations. Perhaps the US is this officer’s adopted country. He may then have a respect for its Constitution — which has been so good for him personally.

  7. Everyone is real hype about not answering to pd but this dude took no for an answer didn't try to lie to the auditor and apart from checking on the plate of the vehicle (which to be fair he wasn't sure was the auditors) he was pretty chill. Didn't lie, didn't badger, didn't become aggressive, didn't insult or threaten.. I think this is more an example of how police work is supposed to look. Everyone does their job, boundaries and rights are respected, and everyone goes home unless there's a "real" problem.

  8. It's pretty bad when they wanna make up real crimes just to get rid of the camera. They act like it's for safety and alot of other reasons but none are legit and are just to get your ID and stop you from filming them

  9. Another good interaction with a cop and the offer to aid law enforcement in finding a potential victim was well merited, I'm impressed with this young man's character while holding police actions accountable.


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